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[ SOTW ] Technology

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Thanks for the vote, but you need to post a legitimate reason.

Oh yeah I forgot...

Its because I really liked the style, glow and the iPhone model you got, I really love iPhones


My vote goes to Blueberry.

It's the only entry that has a meaning or story to back it up. I think the meaning behind it is okay and a little cliche, but the execution of it was well done.

Good job Blue! You really are getting better at this! ^^

Blueberry has my vote. :)

I like the color scheme, and the huge hand. <33


i vote blueberry cause i liked how the sig looks like the human race is reaching further into technology

My vote goes to Blueberry.

It's the only entry that has a meaning or story to back it up. I think the meaning behind it is okay and a little cliche, but the execution of it was well done.

Good job Blue! You really are getting better at this! ^^

Thank you all very much. :)

Nightmare gets my vote.


Sorry, I wasn't on. Anyways thanks for the vote, but I need a legitimate reason in order to count it.


I vote nitemare because it was really appealing to my eye. Plus, iPhones are teh shizzat.

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