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[ SOTW ] Technology

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The SOTW has now entered the voting portion. Here are the rules:
Voter must have at least 10 posts.
Voter must give a legit reason on why they vote for that person.

Reasons such as : I like that signature because it has my favourite anime character DOES NOT COUNT.

Include the person you're voting for in your post.
The artist may not vote for themselves.

Only one vote per voter.

Entries :



Voting ends September 9th, Tuesday.
Prize : 100 coupons.

Votes :
AppleDew - 2
  • kril
  • VapoRub

Nitemare92 - 4
  • Blueberry
  • Sieg Heart
  • Eclipse
  • MissMezri
  • Diablo336

Blueberry - 5
  • Nitemare92
  • Tyler
  • Rath
  • Mei Mei
  • Kittie

Apple dew sig is my vote{ Becuase i like how the sparkles in the nds brings out the color of it and how the nds and the colors pops out making me think about playing mine <3} HAPPY NOW? :P

The SOTW has now entered the voting portion. Here are the rules:

Voter must give a legit reason on why they vote for that person.

Reasons such as : I like that signature because it has my favourite anime character DOES NOT COUNT.

Apple dew sig is my vote

Post a legitimate reason.

Appledew gets my vote.

Second one look like just a stock with one texture over it and I just don't like the third one.

Not much to choose from. :/ Would've been nice to have extended the deadline a couple of days and bump the topic since there were so few entries.

Elaborate on why you choose his, pl0x.

I'll try to extend it next time, but it didn't look like too many people were interested.


You only posted that you vote for his sig and what you didn't like about the second one. o_o

Voting ends September 9th, Tuesday.

Lul, already? Q_Q

And didn't we say we'd post the voting in another section the next time? ;D

Lul, already? Q_Q

And didn't we say we'd post the voting in another section the next time? ;D

If we put it in Server Poll, would we actually have to make a poll? o_o


I don't think so. ;_;

Oh& my vote goes to zack; because I like the smudging. He's the only one that actually put work into the background. If just the patchworks had a little less opacity. ;D

Blueberry - 0
I should stop participating, every time. ;_____;

umm actualy u shouldve put ur michael phelps instead of that iphone.

im sure alot of ppl will vote for u.


but yeah i liek the smudging effect

err can i vote twice?

I should stop participating, every time. ;_____;

Duels would be gay. D:

My vote goes to Blueberry because I like how it looks like the hand is dipping into a world of technology. The light pink colors of the sig all flow together nicely.


You just voted for me out of pity, right? Q_Q

Look at the useless, uncreative guy called pat. I bet they laugh about me, behind my back. D;

You just voted for me out of pity, right? Q_Q

Look at the useless, uncreative guy called pat. I bet they laugh about me, behind my back. D;

Kind of. ;D

I told my friend if I voted it'd be for you, so he told me not to vote. Then I saw you had no votes.


A; Ouch. That hurted. ;____;

B; Which HO said that? >_>


i wanna vote for bluberry too QQ

i liek the hand and the effect of that thing down there i cant tell what it is xD



I vote for Blue.

His caught my eye, and like as Zack said, it pretty much looks like a hand dipping into the world of technology.

+1 4 bloo plz

I vote for Blue.

His caught my eye, and like as Zack said, it pretty much looks like a hand dipping into the world of technology.

+1 4 bloo plz

Thanks. :]


ZACK!! +1 Just because you bought the vote if you sucked a... Oh wait a second!

Jk +1 Zack

ZACK!! +1 Just because you bought the vote if you sucked a... Oh wait a second!

Jk +1 Zack

Thanks for the vote, but you need to post a legitimate reason.

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