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S> Lots of items~

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Hello there, I'm selling, buying, and trading a few things. Leave a message with your IGN if you're interested.


Unslotted Ice Pick [80] (Negotiable, I'm following the price guide)

Tgen [15]


Int Belt for a Strength Belt

Dex Belts for Strength Belts [or selling]


Chick Hat [???] SOLD.

Int Belt [80]

Dex Belt [80] (2)

Elite Champ Mace [37]

Elite Clown Instrument [60]

Elite Clown Bow [60]

Hollowring [15] (2)

Incantation Samurai [35]

GTB Card [35]

PM me in game as Cliffs :]


Price on dex belts? )=

See if I can find price variation.

Sorry, went and got one asap. Lol.

Maybe I should stop buying stuff on the forum. )=

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