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Well....now that I have everyones' attention.... MOONIE HERE!!!

After some time of bickering and fighting, I finally came back down to Florida to live with my parents again. I've had a LOT of sh!t going on with me for the last 4 months that I haven't really let a lot of people on. Seeming how I'll be living with my parents again, my hours will be limited to 5 hours at MOST if I'm LUCKY on the computer.

I honestly don't mind though...I have all my friends here. Something I can say I REALLY missed... reality. I love RO, always have ever since I started playing. I love the server, and I can honestly say I respect the few people that HAVE been @$$h0l3s to me in game. Be it because they really hate me, or because they just want to test me. I'd like to say thank you to the following: Both of the Peter's from Elysium. Because you guys honestly made me feel like sh!t to a point where I WANTED to get good and prove you wrong.

RO is only online though, and even if they people ARE real...what's the chance of RO actually doing anything for MY future? Nothing. Some of you have really been a huge help, surprisingly I can say Dina was one of those people, as well as kuoch. Sarcastic @$$3$ made me realize that I'm not as bad as people say I am, and that I CAN be good if I really give it a try. I'm not ashamed to say I suck, and am a nab, because I AM. I've never played any other class than a High Wizzie, so that explains the reason to me sucking so bad.

For everyone that ridiculed me... f**k you. I AM a good leader of the guild that you said sucked. Because in reality, it's not all about WoE and GvG. You may have bigger guilds, and some of you guys might be "close", but for those that aren't... you're lacking the term "fun" in the guild. A guild isn't just for it, it's designed to MEET new people and give people a CHANCE. If you never let anyone other than people you "know" in, how the hell are you going to get any better or make any friends. Assuming you'd even WANT to make friends.

I can say I'm proud to have had everyone in ~Teh Forsaken~ and ~Sacred Order~. I've learned a LOT from EVERYONE in that was in it. I'm glad I was an ally with "Affinity" as well. Even if they weren't on the top list. =p

I'll be job hunting in the next week or two until I get a job. Once that happens I can finally get my life together, save my money, and get my scholarship back for the college I REALLY want to attend. I WANT to be someone someday, and I don't give a f**k if you believe I can be it or not, because clearly...more than half of you that talk s**t about me, don't even know me, and never even have bothered.

I'm NOT quitting this server, despite the fact that a LOT of the "friends" I made on here are quitting. I wish they weren't. I don't communicate well, I know I "cling", but at least I'm not hiding my real personality. What you see, is what you get. For anyone that GIVES a s**t, feel free to keep in contact with me:
aim: fangelf13
msn: [email protected]


That's... a long post..

EDIT : Wait, if you're not quitting then what is this about? Well, besides the rant.

No one has to read it if they don't wish to. It is MY personal opinion, and I do believe I AM allowed to state it as is. =]

Oh, and I DO have one more thing to say.

Thank you Jorge. You are a great admin, and anyone saying otherwise needs to go die. =]

Er. This isn't really good bye.

More like, I'll see you less. T_T

Well, feel free to keep in contact.

You know when my free minutes kick in, imo.

That is if you ever need someone to talk to so you feel better or are lonely. No random spam, pls.

I know I've had my fair share of problems with you. Both ways. And I'm sorry for that.

But for the moments we did share together and had alot of fun, I thank you.

I'm glad to have met you, keep in touch.

And i'm BAD at keeping in touch, you know that. e_e;

Cause if I got free minutes i'm usually on the phone, and I'm never on msn unless someone tells me to be.

Lol, but just find me or broadcast for me, and we'll go hang out and have fun. Just like we used to.



Make some moar ppl jealous of our non existing cybers secks. Lol@Aso.


hmm, so it has finally come to this /e6 anyways, whenever you need someone to talk to, im always here for you bro ;) don''t quit because like you i've been struggling too yeah let's do this shit!! xD

dude...totally. =D we have msn, I'll keep in touch. Anyone that wants my number and can deal with not calling me before 9pm on weekdays and not past 12, can go ahead and ask for my number. No texting pl0x. <3
Hi, welcome to the server.



I'm so forgetful though! LOL!

and yes, I'll try. Idk, it'll probably be at a bad time.

Like, I'll call 3 months later, randomly and you'll be doing something. Idk what. Drunk again?! xD!

Be all like "...I'll call back in 3 months", lmao.

I'll try to call, but I'm so darn busy lately.

I may stalk the forums quite a bit, but I haven't been in game for like more then a few hours in like..Weeks.

Good luck with college! If you need help, be it speech or math classes lemme know.

Since I've already got 1-3 years up on you in college. Passing Technical Calculus ftw.

Haha, I had to write 13 College Essays for my "final report" to graduate from high school. That was FUN, and I MEAN it. It was college graded, I got #1 spot. =] w000 lol...tsk tsk...shame on me if I didn't anything less than a 97% on any of my college papers. =\ I'd go kill myself (J/K). XD Math+History= best subjects. XD ;]
who am i gonna KoS now !?!?!


Anyways, this is a part of life you can't let go, so I hope you the best in college and getting a job, at least you won't be totally gone which is good =p

And what's better than being home?


Having a life is for fags. Ima stick with pwning n00bs in a game. lolololol.

Kidding. Hehe. Remember above all else, have fun with it!


Lfe, live it to the maximum, since we only have one.

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