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WUT. Hiatus. Damn, right.

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Uhhh....So, I won't be on for a while due to some fucking internet mess up's. I guess no one cares, but I'll post it out there. Uhh....So, yeah. I'm acutally stealing my neighbor's internet but its laggy like 2 old people have sex. But, I'll be on forums so PM me if you need anything.

Uhhh....So, I won't be on for a while due to some fucking internet mess up's. I guess no one cares, but I'll post it out there. Uhh....So, yeah. I'm acutally stealing my neighbor's internet but its laggy like 2 old people have sex. But, I'll be on forums so PM me if you need anything.

Yes, but they're internet sucks. I'm only getting a 18. Mbps. -_-;;

Kinda laggy on RO so, no point of playing :/

Yes, but they're internet sucks. I'm only getting a 18. Mbps. -_-;;

Kinda laggy on RO so, no point of playing :/

I used to get 11mbps. ;D It sucked thought because I DC'd like in every LMS or GvG.

I'm acutally stealing my neighbor's internet but its laggy like 2 old people have sex.



What? I spam you?! D:

HOW. Well, I'm trying to get my internet back, but its not working so far.

Fucking routers and shit.


Stalk your neighbors when they're not home and when yours aren't home. Take your right and sneak into their house. Switch the routers up (Hopefully they won't notice), and "w00" you have better router+ internet connection. <3

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