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Create and have fun with a Custom Story

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Well rules are simple.... each reply can contain only 15 WORDS or less to follow with the story

Example:(the numbers that are down here refer to a person talking)

1: One day a japanese guys was walking by the street when he saw a poring...(that was exaclty 15 letters but it can be less)

2:Than he killed the poring and found a card...

3: Than a thief came in and stole it from him...

4: but the japanese guy kicked him in the nuts and got it back...

15 posts later....: than michael jackson apeared and harrased all aliens... (Crazy but funny).

Well i will start it

One Day GM Amalgamation was monitoring the server when his mother got home...


home to Watch all Porn Videos of Michael Jackson Raping a basketball team and...


he went back to store at midnight and saw a gay dancing at the street...


Michael Jackson Dressed in A burger King costume trying to make sex with him...


A poring showed up trying to show itself more sexy than Eclipse...


because he got too fat stealing the porn videos than a GTG showed up...


Eclipse didn't said the number... but was the GTB who hacked stole it than he...

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