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Well shit.

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Well, I know this sounds like another attempt to leave fRO but it is not. Actually, I have found another game that has caught my eye and it is consuming me and ripping me away from fRO.

I will not state the name of this game, because it pulled me away, I don't want it pulling others. If you DO know what this game is in regards of me telling you, do not state it in a reply, or I will smack your first born child.

I have said goodbye to fRO 2 times now, and always find myself drawn back somehow. Well, this time is NOT goodbye, but I am informing everyone that I am not going to be on as much, actually barely at all. For you that have noticed and such, I am sorry. I will start back up soon again hopefully. But just letting you guys know that those chances might be slim.

<3 Out. See you on when I'm on.

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who said u needed to quit?

what i do is save the installer of KRO and Sak

and save the Patches of bunchies of Private Server Patches

if u wanted to play some differnt server uninstall FRO

then come back and visit and reinstall FRO patch

it takes 5 minutes to switch patches


if u agree with me

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