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Some pokemon sprite editting

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I just now starting to do this, and I'm loving it already! Some credit goes to my little brother, who helped with like 4 pokemon on here, I only make teams of six of the same pokemon in this image, I was the one who started on Scizor, and my little brother wanted Magnezone, the Magnezone that is not colored is reserved for Boss. I'm making 5 more Horsea's for Boss because we were chatting over MSN and he wanted them, so rate and crit as much as you like.


Some of them look really nice but you should try editting RO Sprites. It's basically the same but is a lot moar fun. :D


Ilu Blue, and I found someplace else... but I'll use yours... here's what I made.. o__o

Ew.jpg It's weird... I know.


Get it.

I mean, seriously, it's sooooo much easier and moar fun to edit sprites in PS than in paint. QQ


Get the demo and a serial. QQ

Maybe ask ami, she had to get her PS back as well, just a month ago because her PC broke down. Maybe she still has the stuff you need 'cause I could only offer you the german one, which would not be quite a help, I guess. q_____q


Photoshop is easy. I learned editting sprites in 2 hours. QQ


Just follow Ami's awesome tutorial. :]


But it's so annyoing to use paint, because you can't cut out things or can't make them have a transparent background. They always have a white background, making it way harder to colour sprites for example.

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