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Pants Below Waist

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Subject: Hood Origins: C.R.Hamilton offers insight into Baggy pants/sagging look

To all fathers, mothers and sistahs locked with young brothers who wear their pants on or below their butts; here is a truth Afromerica thinks you should know about the sag style. Prison inmate intimacy is the root. From the mouth of a brother recently release from one of the northeast most hardcore prisons comes this truth. No longer concerned about his own dignity but more concerned about the dignity and reputation of young Black men everywhere, this brother reveals the secrets of prison intimacy among young men. He tells us that when a new inmate has resorted to wearing the pants of his blues around the middle of his butt, it is a prison message that his behind is ready for breaking, and when he wears it down below his butt, he already belongs to someone inside, and has dropped the soap many times. The myth that this trend came from having belts confiscated from inmates, which caused their pants to sag is not accurate, but have only help further glamorize the image of prison apparel among today‚s urban and suburban youth. They believe it a Œhard‚ image to portray among other youth in the hood, never even having been behind bars. However, once the truth gets out about the meaning of the sag, more youth should reconsider how they wear their pants or the wrong message about them will be taken. Please pass this message along to someone you may know who has a young son that wears their gear like so. Tell them they must reconsider the trend and make an effort to change. Their manhood is at stake. © Aug. 2007 by C.R. Hamilton

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No. The true origin of the "pants below waist" style happend long ago when black people were not considered people. They had low pay wages which meant they had to hand down clothing or purchase clothing much larger than usual so they can grow into it.

Thus, one fellow individual stumbled upon pants that were too large for him, meaning his pants were below his waist. Others saw this and saw fit that it was cool. That is pretty much how it all started.

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