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Deathlike? Like black and white? Or um.. like Black and red? I'll probably be doing both. xD
  Jewel said:
Deathlike? Like black and white? Or um.. like Black and red? I'll probably be doing both. xD

Sounds great! I'll be looking forward to it.


All of the palettes are currently black/white based. TBH, the muted browns and stuff that are usually used on palettes look really weird with the bright tones of the FKing helms. But yeah, I plan on doing Red, Green, Pink, Tan, Blue -- all with a black and whiteish base.


Male LK in my purple palette. Should hopefully match the Purple FKing helm. @_@


Looks alright. You have the backside to the purple LK? I want to see the cape design and how it matches.

Oh, and could I make a suggestion and see if you could add designs on the armor? Like a skull on the side of the plate.

Like I said before.. doing palettes isn't done by hand. I actually have to go in a change the color palette table. I don't think you can actually add designs and stuff because palettes aren't sprite images. There's 1 sprite image for each class, and then 300 different color variations for each. Does that make sense? X_x;
  Jewel said:
Like I said before.. doing palettes isn't done by hand. I actually have to go in a change the color palette table. I don't think you can actually add designs and stuff because palettes aren't sprite images. There's 1 sprite image for each class, and then 300 different color variations for each. Does that make sense? X_x;

Enough sense to me. Thanks for your input on my suggestion.

To be honest... it confused the shit out of me before I even started attempting palettes. If anyone knows if this is possible or can CORRECTLY verify why it isn't, help is appreciated.

are we talking about putting a skull on the cape still?

it sounds like its doable but you'd have to start over again with your LK/Paly pallettes ...

just take your original and put the skull on it, right? and put the skull on it at every angle/POV

as well?

if you want help with this i'll tackle a class or two for ya ...


lol i didnt stick around for a response :D

the skull i used is public domain ... if needed i can make a new one

... AND .... i threw this together since my last post so i CAN make it betters.


tell me what u think and what u want me to do :D


that's pretty sick...not really a fan of the skull but if cool images like a logo or pendent were added with the pallettes that'll be pretty sweet.

  Hazard said:
Well that paladin pallet sure awesome.

/no1 Thanks for the approval. I'm sure you'd rock it well.

@Srs - Sorry, exit only. :\


green and black would be awesome -_-

  kuoch said:
green and black would be awesome -_-

Like.. dark green and black or green like F. helms?


dark green please,

thanks jewel :D

  Icon said:
lol i didnt stick around for a response :D

the skull i used is public domain ... if needed i can make a new one

... AND .... i threw this together since my last post so i CAN make it betters.


tell me what u think and what u want me to do :D

Looks alright but if I can ask for a suggestion to make it look like it's slightly on fire, then I'd be pretty happy.

  Icon said:
nga please ... only a poor pimp would be caught wearing green and gold

not sure if you ever seen snoop dogs right hand man. but hes gotta be the richest pimp there is and he only wears green and gold

Bishop Magic Juan

On Topic: I think we need more Black and Vivid colors. The only one we have now is the black and fire fade. But a black and Blue version like it would be cool. black and vivid green or purple would work too.

Actually Even better idea. make one with mainly black but with a yellow to blue fade accents. So i can look like chameleon in this flash video

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