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Hello I'm one of the newest people on the server, I actually just started playing on here last night and really like the server and the people so far. I'm no stranger to RO in the least as I've been around on a few servers in the past mainly Wolf, Dark, and most recently Prism before it became a ghost town due to drama.

Not really a whole lot to say about myself aside from that I'm also an anime, manga, jpop, and jrock fan.

Anyway currently my in game names are:

Maizoon - SinX

Dakki - Sniper

Riley - High Wizard

Alexial - Stalker

Feel free to say high if you ever see me in game. I'm looking forward to playing on this server more.


Hello and welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online: The Forbidden Reality !

I hope you enjoy your time here, I'd gladly aid you in-game if you step off on my right side otherwise... Good luck in the fkRO !

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