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kk milhouse, you said you had to go in the middle of event and whoever wins screen their winning so you can give coupons, well mr priesty won. i wants my coupons next time you get on, here are your bloody screens <.<





Yeah, we were taking forever but still lol, if you dont have that much more time to stay online, an event shouldnt really be held.

nice job kingdom, how did ya manage to win?

Logical it's easy to win LMS, I'm not surprised you didn't win it though; Check his screenshot out IF Ecplise is the last dude in the arena.


He was, we were battling for about 30 mins. We checked the areana before we started our fight, corners and all, even if there was someone left, after all that time he would have eventually left or come out to see what was going on, if not and somehow managed to get past THESE eyes, id be very amazed and is his loss. (also im sure Milhouse ran arounda few times wile i was owning him)

Btw this is for you eclipse. You said to take off my shield in return for taking off yours...i never really took off my 50% reduction shield...i killed you before you noticed thats all ^_^. PS when i make a deal too good to be true like that in an LMS...dont fall for it...because it IS to good to be true, i do what it takes to win, and if treachory helps, so be it. (Btw no i dont scam, if im making a really good offer on a card or somethin its because i have nothing better to do with all my $$$, not because i want to scam.)

LOL CHEAP, good work anyways.

Well Ro is cheap and being cheap helps you win. I would have done the same thing he did if it meant a win.

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