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[ C&C ] Poetry.

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Wow, 41 views and not a single reply? Hmm, I guess the words are way too big for you guys? /swt

...the nonexistence of unity, or the lack thereof, clearly

Has consequences of complications...

My favorite part.

...nuclear confetti as peacemakers... we are pretty fiendish, aren't we. :D


My teacher said that part was me throwing in a little smartassedness.

o.o; Yes my English teacher said smartassedness.

But yeah, "nuclear confetti" was me trying to sugar it up the way the government does.

And thank you for responding. <3 I was losing faith. /swt

I like words. This was a response to 9/11 but I suppose it could be viewed as simply a response to war. I'm sure you'll note the overuse of big words and of course, for that I apologize. It started as an experiment and went on to win me a 1k scholarship which I never used. It "expired". Dumbest shit I've ever heard.

Nuclear Confetti Complications

by Jewel ( I'll spare you my penname. )

Noiselessness comes as a splotch of spreading stasis,

Where renascent sovreigns come to equilibrium, or for some, irrationality

And cosmos bows to the fiendish ways of humanity.

Take heed, for the wings of solitude are a voiceless journey

And the nonexistence of unity, or the lack thereof, clearly

Has consequences of complications, frustrations and insinuations

Between once placid nations.

When warfare is called by less favorable names by the masses,

Hostility is driven by enmity, where communities drop names as threats

And nuclear confetti as peacemakers, but never as stable bets.

Comments, critics, discussion, etc is all welcome and appreciated.

Jewel you are very talented at poetry I will put one of mine up when i get home to my computer.

Jewel you are very talented at poetry I will put one of mine up when i get home to my computer.

That can't be good.


The only thing you are good at ingame and irl is stripping innocent people who are trying to kill you. /swt


"The only thing you're good at is stripping innocent people who are trying to kill you."

Isn't that kind of an oxymoron? >>;

And thanks Shin. I look forward to reading. :B

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