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[ Crit & Ratez ] .Audio.Dream.

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ALRIGHT. I haven't seriously photoshopped in a while, again. So I decided to give it a go without a render this time. Tell me how it came out D:

In Audio the O isn't bolded because this signature is also representing my new Creator Audi. Audi - Audio... Get it? Please Crit & Rate it.




10/10 from me


I really, really like it. I love the idea with the volume display but unfortuantely, the 'Volume' is very blurry. Since it's probably a custom brush, you could have erased the text and replaced it with a sharp one, fitting your actual text, which looks very nice.

Overall a very nice sig.


Of course it's blurry, it's supposed to be in a dream. ):

You've never had ' sharp ' dreams right? ;; I hope not at least.

Thanks for the ratings. :D

Creative. Nothing bad about it with the exception of it being vertical. I really don't understand vertical signatures... they take up more space and cause more scrolling. Either way, it's pretty. Nice job.

That really good 10/10 good job Damascus that's nice ^_^

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