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Elite sniper bow improve plox

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Well I think addin a bonus of % damage against demi-humans in elite bows is needed since almost all the elite weapons have em...

LK spears and swords have a 7% os 5% more damage against demi-humans...

SinX daggers have it...

champs mace and knuckles have it...

why elite bows dont have it?? I think its offensive since the classes that are already kinda most used in PvP like sinx and LK and pallys and others get an elite weapon with a little % damage advantage and snipers that are already not very common and not very usable in PvP dont have it snipers deserve this bonus ... snipers do the elite quest as well so why not havin this added to the bow??

Last time I check the bonus of elite bow was +15 agi +15 dex unbreakable 4 slotted maybe addin the 7% damage against demi-humans will help a little ...

Even if most people will said its useless cause no one play snipers on PvP I think it should be added just to be fair with the sniper class

Thanks ^^

Take care


This is just like Ninja's elite weapon; The damn Fuuma has int in it. C'mon, that's not even funny.

They should add the %, but it won't happen, cause they got "more important" stuff to do. D8


thanks VapoRub and iHunt I hope this doesnt remain in the background ... a little % damage in the weapon will just make a little diference but it still a diference to narrow the classes disadvantage .. I dont know why it isnt in the first place... I mean cmon...

I like this idea; snipers are rarely played around the server. I would also have to suggest more weapons for the sniper elite? Because they only get 1 weapon while the LK class has like a lot more.

Completely agreed...c'mon snipers can't even wear a shield T.T in a low rate this doesn't interfere that much...but in a high rate, not using a shield is a major backlash. And truth be told, a smal change on a iten that is already a custom shouldn't be hard...


Bows are big and you can "defend" with it (imo), so why not add some resistance from Demihumans to the Elite Bow as well? This way it will serve as a shield too. Gravity planned them shield-less, because it's irrelevant in LR, but c'mon, we're in HR now and classes should be balanced.

I agree with Ami. There's Bow and there's Crossbow, and they should both be available as ELITE. 8D


nice suggestions everyone ^^ I guess this is goin somewhere and I hope snipers get a little improve around...

+ % damage

some other elite weapon

and a little bonus against damage anyway snipers arent shielded ... why not?

and a little bonus against damage anyway snipers arent shielded ... why not?

Well I guess you missed the full statement...

or my english sucks =P and I cant get the right idea (wich is true xD)

Well I guess you missed the full statement...

or my english sucks =P and I cant get the right idea (wich is true xD)



I'm in for it too, if I'm correct there are more elite weapons somewhere (try @ii Forsaken Sniper Bow or something close to it) and you'll see 2 item ID's, the items have changed, but the implementation hasn't occured yet.

One of the most important reason is that people will cry that they will need to either:

- Redo the elite quest to obtain the weapons.

- Decard their current weapon.

- Are emotionally attached to a sprite which they worked hard for.

- Bugs wouldn't be reported, the weapon would be broken and flames would appear out of nowhere.

Be patient, some of the team do have lives, school/college and all that.

We appreciate the support when we do good things, but supporting us when we do other things would be quite welcome too.

This concept WILL be reconsidered and I will talk to Genesis about this again.

Balance will be preserved, but if others vote against polls that would balance the game we can't help it,

it's called democracy.

Again, thanks for your suggestion and idea's.


i main a sniper and i agree with this suggestion. the elite bow for snipers is quite a disappointment cos i thought it was one handed so you can equip a shield. well i guess not and now im having trouble selling off my shield cos noone needs it.

QUOTE (cos it doesn't work for some reason)

One of the most important reason is that people will cry that they will need to either:

- Redo the elite quest to obtain the weapons.

- Decard their current weapon.

- Are emotionally attached to a sprite which they worked hard for.

- Bugs wouldn't be reported, the weapon would be broken and flames would appear out of nowhere.

SUGGESTION 1. well cant u guys just exchange all the bows for the new bow in the maintenance? i mean u urself say u hardly see snipers so there shouldnt be that many around.

SUGGESTION 2. making people re-do the enttire quest is harsh. how about a "Oh we have an update to the elite bow, exchange ur current bow with 1k ____ cards to upgrade. please make sure all cards have been unslotted as they will be lost in the exchange process" blah blah. yes, another item id.

SUGGESTION 3. making the bow 1 handed so snipers can equip shields or just adding defense bonuses to the bow *yes, someone else's suggestion*

btw, sniper/professors as far as i know dont even have a weapon sprite so what are you talking bout when you are going "emotional attached to sprite"? what sprite?


I fully support this idea, but i'm supporting both, either making it 1-handed so we can use the "Never used" shield, if we can't use the shield and bow, how are we supposed to make the elite combo...WORK? :blink: But yeah, I think if it's not going to be one-handed (Which it looks like since I see Snipers smacking me with their fist from far away with the custom bow (WHICH IS PRETTY LOL XD) it should be one-handed, or give it a composite bow sprite or something and make the bow reduce at least 20% of demi-human damage, that seems balanced since it wouldn't = a Thara/Usakoring. I noticed (Maybe i'm crazy) but i'm pretty sure Snipers got an HP boost, mine has 189k hp... ^^; But yes ..MASSIVE yes to this, I haven't done the quest yet, so i'm just gonna gather my items and wait to see if this update happens, I fully support ya arrow_striker.


I agree with all the suggestions. I rarely see any snipers. My main is a sniper and always has been. It would suck to have to make another char because the sniper is underpowered.

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