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Hello and Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online !

I hope you have fun in this server, for help on learning about the server feel free to follow my guide under the Forsaken Ragnarok Online Discussion section in the forums going by the name of Beginner's Guide to Forsaken RO.

Privet, horosho chto ti zametil etot server. Nadejus' chto tebe ponravitsja zdes'. Esli est' kakie nibud' voprosi, to ti mozhes sparashivat' menja. ^.^ Ja obichno v igre, a esli ne vi igre...to zdes' na forum 100 procentov. /ok
Da net, eto nechego. iHunt i Icarus tozhe russkie. /ok

Не русский, а русскоговорящий.

Добро пожаловать в ForsakenRO.

mi eshe posmotrim /gg j/k

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