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~Teh Forsaken~

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Reason this guild was created: to have fun, make new friends, and compete.

Guild Info:

Guild Leader: ~Sin~

Guild Level: 50 Yay

Guild Home: Lutie aka @go 7

Guild Members: 13/76

Average Guild Level: 231 (keeps rising as well)


- Affinity


[None Yet as well]
{Hopefully it'll stay this way}


Join and you'll see? lol

A Few RULES. Lol, yes...those...the ones we all hate~

~Please don't beg. If you want, ask once or twice but don't repeatedly keep annoying the members.
~Follow the Server Rules
~No Drama please, or at least....not a lot of it.
~and once again, no harassing please!


Umm, we don't have those? Yea, yea...that sounds about right.
I usually give out the "rank" that you want.
-is a very easy person to get along with....if you're nice to her-


If you need help, ask....but don't beg. Usually someone will help you out here.


Because I'm awsome like that and my guild members are worth it, I like to give out "gifts" once in a while. It might not be anything expensive, but it is something they would like. ^.^ As well as if anyone needs help with equips, I try to help on as well. ^.^


Don't think that just because the guild has no "allies", that I don't have allies of my own. I do. They're secretly scattered everywhere....or are they? /gg

If you would like to join, you can either post it here...or send me a pm. 85% of the time I'm found in game on one of the following: {In the exact order too}

Honestly, though I may not have a lot of people in, I love this guild. All of my members mean a LOT to me, and they're just plain awsome. They know how to have a good time, and be silly and give criticism when needed. =D


I loved this guild from the minute I joined, it's friendly, chatful, and a pretty fun guild to be in.

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