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[ SOTW ] Vector Voting Topic!

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Now.. it's time for all of you to vote for your favourite signature.

[ Rules ]

  • Voter must have at least 10 posts.
  • Voter must give a legit reason on why they vote for that person.

    Reasons such as : I like that signature because it has my favourite anime character

  • Include the person you're voting for in your post.
  • The artist may not vote for themselves.

Now for the entries :













Those are all of the signatures, and also a reminder for all of the contestants to put their in-game name so that the winner will be able to obtain their prize. Thank you.

Alphan's entry was not accepted due to the fact that he failed to post a resource for his signature.

Um.. this is stupid.

I vote for a new topic posted under the EVENTS section of the forum so that people that aren't active in the Gfx section are allowed to vote as well. If you don't visit this section of the forum you won't even be aware this is going on.

Not very nice of you.

Here it'll just be a popularity contest. :rolleyes: Which is fucking stupid.

And "voter must have a legit reason for voting", that's stupid too.

Post it in the events section with the first option as "I don't fucking care" so that people that are just voting for the first on the list choose that option.

Btw - I like Nitemare92's best. I'm tired of seeing fluffy girly shit and TMNT \m/ is such a refreshing thing to see. Not only that, but he managed to pull off an awesome look with what was probably bonk stock. The outside border is very fine and makes the entire graphic appear cleaner. Only thing that would possibly make it better would be a bit of text. When I saw it I thought "Out of the sewer -- onto the streets! COWABUNGA DUDE!" >>; Props to you.


I vote Nao-Chan because it actually looks good. Although I almost considered not voting for it because of the text.

But reguardless, Nao-Chan has my vote.

Sorry nitemare. I still love you. <3

It's either Sunday or the beginning of Monday.

I like Kittie's signature, cause it caught my eye and I like the text. So, I vote for Kittie's signature.

I hope that's "good enough".


I Vote for Ethereal's entry because the creativity of a random iPod with the picture on the screen, also the art looks... crazy?


I vote Ethereal because I think the sig is really creative. =]

  • Blueberry - 1
  • Cheesey

  • Ethereal - 3
  • Rath
  • geldaz
  • Nicola

  • Nao-Chann - 3
  • Reborn
  • Diablo336
  • Icarus

  • Kittie - 1
  • iHunt
  • xBlueberryx

  • Nitemare92 - 1
  • Jewel

  • Ashi - 1
  • Damascus

I vote for ethereal. I can't get how blueberry can be a vector,please explain me.There's what.. 1-2 brushes that can be considered vector I believe.If not,explain me /:

I vote for Ethereal. I can't get how blueberry can be a vector, please explain me. There's what... 1-2 brushes, that can be considered vector, I believe. If not, explain me /:

I'm not a vector, actually.


this is now a popularity contest.

Agreed, unfortunately. :[

Remember guys, voting ends tonight. We currently have a tie between myself and Nao-Chann. Also a tie between the others. So yeah, we need more votes! ):

Well my vote goes to kittie's sig for its simplicity. I really like the colour scheme and how it turned out.

Popularity contest. :rolleyes: AFAIK on most servers GMs aren't allowed to participate in events. How weird. :rolleyes:


I like how it looks mainly.

Next thing I like is how it looks like a VIP pass. I love the vibrant colours and the choice of the figure.


It's good. I like the image. But, I don't like the blurry decorations around the border. Plus, I'm confused on why The World Ends With You characters show a punk look o.o. I'd pick skulls or broken hearts. This is all personal likings D:


It's alright, I can't really tell they are really ninja turtles because of the way they are positioned. I don't really like it that much.


Looks good, but I don't see how the picture describes or has any similarity to Damascus, unless that's the city of Damascus. This is just a personal liking of a phrase describing the image. I like it, but I prefer Blueberry's.


I like the iPod look. I like how you didn't use a stock. I don't like how the image inside the iPod screen is. The image is so overpowered by the actual iPod. For some strange reason, I don't like it as much as your other works. I'd say stick with the old.

Sorry, you don't have my vote D:

My vote: xBlueberryx

By Damascus she means me you cock :(

Think of it this way. Art is viewed by the viewer. It's their eyes that see it. It's their eyes that critique it. They define what the art's meaning is. If I see that it describes a place, then thats what I believe it is. Just ask some random person to see it, they wouldn't know who the fuck you are. You might think it's about you, others may believe not.

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