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AI Problem..

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Hi...I had downloaded another AI program for my homunculus and I unzipped it directly into AI folder in my forsaken-ro folder. Then I called on my homuncuclus(lif) without typing /hoai.

An error popped up - ./AI/AI.lua:6: could not load package `./AI/USER_AI/Const.lua' from path `?;?.lua'

And then when i pressed ok another error popped up - attempt to call a nil value .

When I pressed ok, again the 1st error popped up... And this cycle continues...I asked a GM about my homunculus problem n he had said to patch up my sarkay client..I patched a file called Source Patch Client and Sakexe but nothing has changed.

I had downloaded the - 2006-12-22 mirai_v1_2_2 (35 Kb) file from http://www.mirandablade.altervista.org/ind...irai&lng=en.

Alchemist IGN - ~Frooti~

Please suggest some solutions.

-Thank You.


I had that problem before, all I did was hold the "Enter" or "Return" button constantly, while trying to type /hoai again. Took like 10 mins, but worked.

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