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[ SOTW ] Late but not forgotten!

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Welcome everybody to this week's

Signature of the week contest!


Rules can be found here!

The winner will get the awesome prize of 100 event coupons!


And theme of this week's SOTW contest will be....


Every vector graphic is valid! You can go from vectoring pictures to
abstract vector illustrations etc!

We are wishing you all good luck with your entries and have fun making them! :]

Voting will be on July, 6th, 2008.

Your Signature of the week moderators.

Current Entries:

vectorWITHnec.png - xBlueberryx

Punkthetime-2.png - nao-chann

TMNT-1.png - Nitemare92

damadamaeg0.png - Ashi

heartbrokencopy.png - Damascus

ipoddovecy0.png - Ethereal

kittiesignaturexipl1.png - Kittie

Something like this;


or this;


or these kinds of images;


No comprende, I think I'll sit out of this one.

Gosh zack; google is your friend. Or just go to deviantART and search for vector. @_@




–noun 1. Mathematics. a. a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction, represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of which is proportional to the magnitude. Compare scalar (def. 4).

b. such a quantity with the additional requirement that such quantities obey the parallelogram law of addition.

c. such a quantity with the additional requirement that such quantities are to transform in a particular way under changes of the coordinate system.

d. any generalization of the above quantities.

2. the direction or course followed by an airplane, missile, or the like.

3. Biology. a. an insect or other organism that transmits a pathogenic fungus, virus, bacterium, etc.

b. any agent that acts as a carrier or transporter, as a virus or plasmid that conveys a genetically engineered DNA segment into a host cell.

4. Computers. an array of data ordered such that individual items can be located with a single index or subscript.

–verb (used with object) 5. Aeronautics. to guide (an aircraft) in flight by issuing appropriate headings.

6. Aerospace. to change direction of (the thrust of a jet or rocket engine) in order to steer the craft.


1. vector

A digital art style that uses vector software, such as Adobe Illustrator, and Flash.

Vector drawings, unlike pixel drawings, are done using the pen tool, which creates "paths" that are seen as points (like on an x and y axis) by your computer. Because of the fact that they are paths and not pixels, you could zoom in on a vector picture without it getting that ugly pixelly look. (This will not work, however, if you copy a vector drawing into a non-vector program (raster program) such as Paint or something, and zoom in. Then you will see pixels.)

While Photoshop does have a pen tool, if you make a "vector" with it, you will not be able to scale your image to whatever size you want. Some people argue that this means that they are not vector images. Others argue the opposite.

Finding a cool looking image on the internet, and clicking filter, artistic, cutout, in photoshop does not create a vector image. With a vector image, you can manipulate your colors to suit your picture. A cutout gives you no control of this, and a lot of them aren't even very recognizable; just a bunch of colors.

There are also vexels, which are like vectors, except they are made in raster programs, such as photoshop. This, however, should be an entire definition in itself, written by someone who knows more about the subject.

Let's review, shall we?

A vector is a work of aart made in a vector program (or, as some would argue, with the use of a pen tool in any program that has a pen tool)

The cutout tool does not create a vector.


Do my renders have to look uhh.. Flat/drawn?

That's just what most vector/vexel renders look like. Nobody said every detail has to be vector, at the end the sig should just have that style.

Edit: Silhouettes are used in vector graphics very often.

Like the Sig that i put does that one count?

Sorry no. :[

There's nothing vector-ish I could figure out. :[

Can we put Vector design just on the background then put an anime character in it?

Sure if it fits. ;]

Bah, I usually do grunges. >_> Time to download some brushes...

If you need some I can post a few links to some nice Vector ones. :]

Best one is still this one.



This doesn't look like it's going to be easy... Alright, I'm going to give it a try.

This doesn't look like it's going to be easy... Alright, I'm going to give it a try.

It's not easy but it's so fun. :D


Vector is like a punk sig. or a rock sig.

Yeah that one count i think.


Alright I've added both of your works for now. But please post either your original stock or your .psd file so we know you actually made it. Every entry without proof will be diqualified at the day the voting starts.

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