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Guest Moogle

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Guest Moogle

Hello my character name is Moogle[baby Super Novice]. It has been a week of playing Forsaken and it seems stable, but now I want to check out forums to see what is going on these days on the server and such. So far I had fun leveling up, meeting new people, seeing [GM]Flame call out the wrong number during the dice event~ :ph34r: and yeah. The server seems fantastic with the daily events and the donation things, but there is one thing that concerns me about Pvp. All I see in Pvp is the fact that its just the battle how has the most berries to survive the most massive damage ever. Also during dice events? cmon I see people pressing the F key buttons rapidly where the berries are placed so they won't die from the approaching failure that is to come. It's so annoying to see a battles that last forever, that should be about couple minutes atleast. It's basically a competition showing who has the most money to buy berries, healing faster, and who can hold the most. It's kind of pointless to have really great damage and have it shoved off by a press of a button. So, I guess I'm not going to pvp anytime soon to just see people healing themselves with berries every second they get hit. I'm not saying this to get that major part of pvp to get off, it is just an opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone who wasted half their time hunting and buying berries for pvp. /!

With that said I'm going to end this long rant about the berries. lolloloollolololololol

Anyways I have more characters that my awesome Moogle, but I'm too lazy to remember and type all the names here. :wacko:

I've participated in many events but never actually won one. Sad face :( but overall, it was fun.

So yeah... I have to get going now, its really late. Bbye~

btw how much are donation coupons worth in zeny? Just wondering :blink:


Lol, welcome here. And new GMs need to have more experience so it can be sometimes that the GMs are wrong, just tell them nice.


I strongly apologize if I have called the wrong number in Dice, thank you for telling me that, I'll make sure that will not happen again.

And welcome.

Guest Orange Crush

Welcome to F-RO and we hope you stay.

If you need anything feel free to pm me.



Guest Moogle

wow thanks and hope to see you all in game soon. :) ^_^


^^ Im New To Well At Least To Thix Server well im still d/ling ^^ but hey see ya in game if it ever finishes =P


GM's are only human ;] they either make mistakes, or they don't.

Welcome to ForsakenRO!

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