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I wouldn't mind joining but right now I'm not that active because I'm working 10hr days and working about every other weekend and also my comp just craped out a couple of weeks ago and I'm using my roommates comp when she isn't on it. I'm trying to see about being more active and I'm usualy on late at night.

I wouldn't mind joining but right now I'm not that active because I'm working 10hr days and working about every other weekend and also my comp just craped out a couple of weeks ago and I'm using my roommates comp when she isn't on it. I'm trying to see about being more active and I'm usualy on late at night.

You're welcome to join. ;] Just PM me in game for an invite. IGN: Jewel.

And by active I don't mean on 24/7. And I understand about your computer. The internet wiring in our area is done all wrong and is going off at random. It's so obnoxious.

Will do if you're sill on at 2am pst.

Probably will be. I'm on PST too. @_@ I'm a night owl.


Sounds like a guild I'd be interested in joining. I'm on for most of the day so I'm active obviously xD I'm also a lvl 255 HP. If you could PM me when you log on (ign: Chiriko), I should be online. D:


mmmm, ill join with my alt char if you like,

i like helping new guilds.


You've got quite an introduction there. May I join ^^;?I might be hardly on during the day but I'm pretty active. PM ( Epyon. ) yes it includes the dot.

PM me in game for an invite. You can also PM and ask Sinfoney.

uhhh i hate doing that, maybe if you dropped in Non donation pvp, and invite me there, that would work,


I'm in, but I'd first like to know here or in game if I get ahold of you first if you'd want a pvp/woe/mvp chara.

I don't pvp a ton, more or less duel off and on. I have yet to even attempt WoE on this server,

but I do mvp hunt ALOT..

I'd normally just have you invite my prof but he's having techniqual difficulties

I hope support helpdesk can fix soon

Yet, until then I've been working on a baby LK so if you'd like I'll invite him.

He's not too strong, first baby I've made. ^_^

But, I'll be active and as helpful as I can.

Neither of you are on atm, so pm me times too. =D


What time(s) are you alive Jewel? I'm seeming to have a hard time finding you D:

This is a really sexy guild recruitment thread.

Best ever seen.


Thanks for Damascus' stamp of approval. ;]

The ladies will swarm.

Anyone that wants an invite atm can contact me on my Sniper Hoku.

Edit: How come we've been the top post in recruitment for like 5 days?

WOW this section is srsly DEAD.


It's all groovy with me.

I'll be on Hoku.

edit ~ Hey I made Forsaken Elite finally! Woo~


Which is understandable Merzi but considering we aren't PVPing or WOEing yet, our name probably isn't as "out there" as the guilds you mentioned - which is why I decided to make a recruitment thread.

Plus, I came to this server by myself. Other guild leaders probably had tag-a-longs and friends from their previous servers. I didn't. @_@; I couldn't convince them to play a HR. Aheheh.

But thanks for the compliments. ^^v It makes me happy to know that I could have possibly sparked some creative juices in someone else. I really only did this out of boredom and because I wanted more friends. Aheuheuheu.

Think of it this way, at least YOUR Recruitment is still getting people to post. ^.^ It's fine though, I have enough people in my guild as is...and it's a great guild too, even if no one HAS posted in the forums for it. We already have over 1 mil experience and the such.
Think of it this way, at least YOUR Recruitment is still getting people to post. ^.^ It's fine though, I have enough people in my guild as is...and it's a great guild too, even if no one HAS posted in the forums for it. We already have over 1 mil experience and the such.

My guild was max level in the first day. Not really that hard. But forum activity is really something you should inspire in your members. In game is only half of the community here at fRO, imo. :] Don't feel bad about bumping a recruitment topic. And if you need any help with graphics or whatnot, let me know.

We have all the luck we need Cheesey. But thanks for offering. /ok

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