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Hello and Hi,if there's a TV show there must be a topic talkign about movies."But this is movies/television topic either"


Hana Yori Dango


Harry potter (all)

Much much much i forgot the others.


I love so many movies that I can't list them all,here is a small list of my favorite movies:

Resident Evil(All)

Alien(Only second and forth)


Silent Hill

Saw(All of them)


V for Vandeta

The Sum of All Fears

National Treasure

Indiana Jones(Only the first and the third)



x Alvin the chipmunks

x Saw (all of them)

x Garfield (>_> i love garfield for some reason)

x Beowulf

x Cinderella (korean scary movie)

x bring it on all or nothing

x Step up

x Cheetah girls

Btw the "Strangers" is wack

Rush Hour (1-3)

All Will Smith Movies

Spiderman (*cough*)

All Sylvester Stallone Movies

The rest I forgot.xD


I completly forgot about LOTR XD

I loved only the second and the third,the first was kinda boring for me >_>

V for Vendetta
Saw IV
Once Upon A Time In China 1 & 2
Sonic The Hedgehog ( The one where he fights Metal Sonic )
Final Fantasy Advent Children
Spider-Man 1 & 2

Mn favourite movies are:

  • Enchanted
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks
  • Harry Potter (all)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean (all)

They're the only I can think of now, there are probably others. >.<


My list! 8D.


The Origin of Mewtwo

Mewtwo Strikes Back

The Power of One

Spell Of The Unown

Mewtwo Returns

Celebi: Voice of the Forest

Pokémon Heroes

Jirachi - Wish Maker

Destiny Deoxys!

Lucario and the Mystery of Mew!

Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea!

The Rise of Darkrai!

Giratina & The Bouquet of the Sky!


Favorite Movies Ever

Iron Man



The Last Samurai

The Chronicles of Riddick

House Of Flying Daggers

X-Men 3: The Last Stand

Spider Man 1, 2 & 3

The Incredible Hulk ( New One )

Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four: The Rise Of The Silver Surfer

The Protector

The One

Cradle 2 The Grave

Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift

V for Vendetta



The Wicker Man

Wind Talkers


Saw 3


National Treasure




So many movies... My favs?? Hmm..

None /heh

Saw IV

This was the worst one out of the 4.



The Forbidden Kingdom

Lucky Number Slevin

Simpsons the movie

Flushed away


Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay


National Treasure 1,2

Saw 1,2,3

The Fast and the Furious 1

Wrong turn

Scream 1,2,3 (CMON! CLASSIC)

Scary Movie 1,3,4

Freaky Friday

Final Destination 1,2,3

X-Men 1,2,3 (HUGE fan of X-men)

V for Vendetta

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (The old one)

The Skeleton Key


I know what you did last summer 1,2

Shrek 1,2,3

Pirates of the Caribbean 1,2,3

ALL movies based on Agatha Christie books

ALL Disney cartoons, especially Mulan

etc. etc. etc. I love movies.

I fucking hate with passion:

Adam Sandler movies

Nicholas Cage movies, except for National Treasure

Anything that Jim Carrey touched with his dirty, idiotic hands

Ben Stiller movies


Attack of the Pedo bears

Super Bad


Global Metal

Metal: A Headbanger's Journey

ALL Disney cartoons, especially Mulan

Eeeeeeeeeeeee ooooooooooooooooooo

The animated CG movies of Disney suck. Except Meet the Robinsons, that's the only good one. It seems V for Vendetta made a lot of lists.



The Lion King(most favorite movie of all time)

Bruce Almighty

Ace Ventura (both of them)

The Departed(this was a krazy ass movie, if u didnt see it you should)

Every Will smith movie

All the Austin powers movies

There are probably more that i cant think of now



Are you really into all them Pokemon movies?

And here's my list.. Trust me.. It'll grow.

I'll edit it since I can't think of all the movies in one sitting, ya know?

Rush Hour 1,2,3

The Lord of the Rings 1,2,3

Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (I haven't seen Prince Caspian yet)

Star Wars I, II, III (Favorite), V, VI (No I didn't forget 4. I just didn't watch it.)


King Arthur (Its in my top 3, no doubt.)

Friday Night Lights

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

Coach Carter (Could by my favorite sports movie)

Remember the Titans (One of Disney's greatest productions.)

Mulan (Great songs)

The Lion King

We Were Soldiers

Dodgeball: True Underdog Story

A Cinderella Story (Watched it with who is now my ex, but it was still good)

Just Like Heaven (Chick flick?)

Disturbia (Shia's best performance since Even Stevens and Transformers)

Transformers (How could I forget?)

Harry Potter (All of them.. since I don't know which one they're up to now. Order of the Pheonix.. is #?)

Fists of Fury


Forbidden Kingdom

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Iron Monkey

The Fast and the Furious 1,2,3 (Especially 3: Tokyo Drift, 2 Fast 2 Furious was nice too but Tokyo Drift. I <3 the Japanese!)

I, Robot

I am Legend

Matrix 1,2,3

National Treasure 1&2

Resident Evil 1,2,3

Pirates of the Carribean 1,2,3 (Especially 2)

Shrek (Only the first one.)

Van Helsing

Underworld 1&2



Freedom Writers

*More coming... and I love movies way more than watching TV.


Hm. they messed up character naming in Forbidden Kingdom.

If you were chinese like me you'd know why


I'll quote some of my favorite .... see if you can guess what movie it is.

"My name is Emilio Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!"

"It can't rain all the time."

BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG! "Oh, I'm sorry, did I ruin your concentration?"

"I keep gettin' older but the high school girls stay the same"


I have too many favorites.

Throw 'Wasabi' and 'The Incredibles' in there also, couldn't think of great quotes.

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