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Hey there, I'm Radical. Not much to be said about me other then I'm of the female persasion and I'm a guildie of the Jelly Pirates.

<Shameless plug>

The Infamous Jelly Pirates; Because our milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, and damn right, it is better then yours. </shameless plug>

I create websites, doodles, and other things in my spare time. I'm a lame-o and poor SinX in fRO. However, I do have an poring named Betch, so I suppose that is worth something.



Damn, I wanted you to be a guy so I could be homosexual with followed by a ' Nohomo ' to cancel the homosexuallity.

Anyways, welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online !

This is a radical server providing you with all of your RO needs to the fullest. If it doesn't please you properly then you just need the real sex with somebody of a Ragnarok Online Job Class. I hope you enjoy it here, since I assure you that you won't like any other server after attending this one because this would be your official favorite.

It's not an opinion it's a scientific fact.





Damn, I wanted you to be a guy so I could be homosexual with followed by a ' Nohomo ' to cancel the homosexuallity.

Anyways, welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online !

This is a radical server providing you with all of your RO needs to the fullest. If it doesn't please you properly then you just need the real sex with somebody of a Ragnarok Online Job Class. I hope you enjoy it here, since I assure you that you won't like any other server after attending this one because this would be your official favorite.

It's not an opinion it's a scientific fact.

Of course it is clearly based on the most up-to-date research. Indeed, the most scientific thing ever.


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