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Caution. :[

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Okay. Since there are many recent scam attempts, i thought that maybe the community can take a precaution.

To avoid being scammed/hacked, you should always be careful.

There are lots of scam and hack attempts actually.

1.) The most common one, [GM]Impersonation :] (One person actually tried this on me. I wish i can post my screenies but i deleted them all :[ )

Possible Victims:

----> New players that have donated. [ You may not know the whole GM team yet. ]

----> New players taht have made custom quest items and others. [ Same reason. ]

This is a typical example.

(GM)Gargantua: Congratulations!

Gauntlet: Hi Garg. :]

(GM)Gargantua: For being the millionth warper in Forsaken City, you have won a full Forsaken Set.

Gauntlet: uhm, yay? o_o

(GM)Gargantua: All you have to do is log on to [ insert suspicious website here ] to claim your price.


(GM)Gargantua: All you have to do is give me your username and password, then log off for the next 10 minutes.

(GM)Gargantua: Congratulations! And thank you for supporting Forsaken Ragnarok Online.

C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\ScreenShot\screenForbidden01.jpg has been saved.

2.) The next is the old fashioned "duplicate your items act" that is somehow, weird if you get scammed. Why is it weird? Because you actually agreed to duplicate your items. -_-

Possible Victims:

----> Greedy players that are already rich.

----> Players that are not that rich and want an easy way to the top.


A random guy either PM's you or asks you to go to a certain place. This guy then tells you that his main account has all the riches of FRO, because he has an item/zeny duplicator. He then tells you names of famous players that "allegedly" duplicated items. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS TRICK. Genesis is kind not to punish victims. But if i were Genesis, i would ban you for trying to duplicate your items. D:<

3.) The new website trick.

Possible Victims:

----> Forum inactive people. [ You wont know if there's a new website/forums/IRC channel. ]

----> Gullible Forum Whores. [ Pardon the choice of words. but some people would want to be the first members and posters in a new forum, and you know what happens next. ]


A random guy or GM impersonator spams Forsaken City/ sends PM's to everyone / uses the broadcaster to announce that for some weird difficulties, there is a new website.

*note: This is actually effective if they copied the format and sprites in the forums. However, Forsaken RO Forums do not have keyloggers. Fake websites usually have keyloggers and if you have a decent security software, you will be alarmed :] [ NORTON FTW! >:] ]

4.) The friend impersonation.

Possible Victims:

----> People who dont think things through.

----> People who dont know much about their E-Friends :]


A guy with a same name with a friend approaches you and asks to borrow some stuff. You ask the guy where are his stuff, and he tells you that he got jailed/ his sister borrowed it / he lent it/ he got hacked w/e.

You actually wont know if this would be true. SO the best way to know if this guy is your friend, tell him to log on in the character you know. If its jailed and muted, you try to PM the character.

ANYWAY. These are just some of the weirdest attempts to get items. You can actually prevent these things. You can also add details if you know other scamming stuff/schemes. :]

*Note: If a [GM] asks for a username or password, validate his reason first. It is highly unlikely that a [GM] will ask for your account info. If you need help on your stuck chars, there is always the control panel. www.forsaken-ro.net/cp and if you cant access it, you can get a trusted friend to unstuck if for you. Or better yet, tell it to [GM]Zeitgeist or [GM]Genesis.

Happy Playing at Forsaken RO =]

We are almost 1 Year Old! [ Party Hat everyone =] ]


Yeah I actually see a ton of players with [GM] in their name. Isn't that impersonation and bannable/jailable on first report?

Lol, they've never got to me yet but I've had other scams from a few ppl who won't be named..

Mainly by things like

T/S> Some Item

then when you go to buy said item they'll swap it out for the wrong item and if you catch it they'll say they sold it to someone else and try again so they don't get busted. Lol, no offense but that's scamming too. ^^;


Great topic! Also, when I was GMing, I've encountered a time when I had to log on to someone's account so I could fix something. Other than specific exceptions, its a great topic.


People are greedy and want to gain items fast, that's what scammers abuse.

A lot people fall for this and even after reading this topic they still could fall for simple scams.

Verify your deals and if you're making a 'big' one always screenshot.

Without screenshots you have no proof the tradables were actually yours.


There are some people who would impersonate your close friends. xD Someone pretended to be me and copied my style of typing~ So, Yeah. My friend got scammed. /swt



I remember this thing also.

5.) The "I'll donate tomorrow and pay you 10x act." is actually a scheme some scammers use. They tell you that the administrator is a friend and that they will be willing to help this friend by donating enough to keep the server running for months.

6.) The "GM" Recruitment. This was a very funny act that I saw when I was doing homework and my friend was playing.

There was a guy who PM'ed him. The guy said that he was [GM]Relinquish and was looking for the next great Game Masters of the server. The guy was obviously a Level 1/1 Novice, and we questioned why he was this way. He said that it was not to cause commotion in the server ( because we all know [GM]Relinquish seldom gets on ) and he had even told some of the [GM]commands to my friend.

Of course, we aren't stupid. :[ But we asked him to continue for the fun of it. =]

He then tells us that FRO would be needing more [GM]'s because [GM]Genesis was going to start college. We then asked him what would happen if we post in the forums what he was telling us. He said, "Nothing", the [GM]'s will ban this account but I will unban it, and suspend the [GM]'s account.

We were laughing on what he told us. We asked him how he got the 4 new [GM]'s ( by this time, the 4 people were Trochilidae, Defiance, Cherish, and Amorous ) and he didnt even remember their names =.=

When we thought it was about time to quit, my friend mentioned about calling [GM]Trochilidae ( on that moment hosting a Last Man Standing Event ) and the guy vanished. =]

Anyway, again. Be careful, and enjoy Forsaken Ragnarok Online. =]

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