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Guest Tejh

Best in Class

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Heres the deal. Simply follow this format.

Champion - Name

High Priest - Name

Stalker - Name

Assassin Cross - Name

Sniper - Name

Clown - Name

Dancer - Name

Professor - Name

High Wizard - Name

Whitesmith - Name

Creator - Name

Lord Knight - Name

Paladin - Name

Ninja - Name

Soul Linker - Name

Soul Gladiator - Name

Super Baby - Name


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Champion - D r a x

High Priest - Dr Tran

Stalker - Kingdom

Assassin Cross - Terminus

Sniper - Oblivion Sniper

Clown - Lord Romance

Dancer - Selena

Professor - Elijas

High Wizard - Accolade

Whitesmith - None

Creator - None

Lord Knight - Irrelevant

Paladin - Deviant

Ninja - None

Soul Linker - Trollslott... something

Soul Gladiator - None

Super Baby - None

Other baby classes:


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Hmm Ill have a go at this

Stalker-I really dont know atm. Erm Kindom is pretty decent.

Sinx-Terminus cause his WS card owns me. I would consider myself since I havent been beaten by any other sinx cept Terminus but that would just be wrong wouldnt it?

High Wiz-Was Kink but he went emo.

Champion-Erm Oblivion? Well hes the only decent champ ive seen so far.

Prof-Ami ftw

Gypsy-Ami cause he killed me usin a WS card (God I hate WS cards)


Lord Knight- Of course its Irre I shouldnt even have to say it.

Paladin- Meh Dama even tho he smells.

The rest are gay and not worth mentioning.

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Champion - D r a x

High Priest - Dr Tran

Stalker - Kingdom *Sorry guys lol...*

Assassin Cross - terminus

Sniper - iHunt

Clown - Lord Romance

Dancer - No idea...

Professor - None? there are no good prof here

High Wizard - Kink

Whitesmith - xIce Flame *No this isnt her sinx*

Creator - Clockworks

Lord Knight - Oblivion Knight

Paladin - Remy

Ninja - Face

Soul Linker - No idea

Soul Gladiator - None lmfao

Super Baby - ...joking?

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from what I have seen so far:

Champion - Frozen Ray

High Priest - Dr Tran

Stalker - Kingdom/Denzel Crocker

Assassin Cross - Terminus/ruffs

Sniper - Oblivion Sniper/iHunt

Clown - Lord Romance

Dancer - Selena

Professor - Elijas/Tsubasa

High Wizard - Accolade

Whitesmith - None

Creator - a fruit fly/clockworks

Lord Knight - Irrelevant/Mindus

Paladin - None

Ninja - None

Soul Linker - None

Soul Gladiator - None

Super Baby - Non

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Champion - Drax

High Priest - Dr Tran

Stalker - Selena

Assassin Cross - Terminus

Sniper - iHunt

Clown - Lord Romance

Dancer - Ami

Professor - Tsubasa

High Wizard - Shu Flip

Whitesmith - Amitsu

Creator - Patchwork

Lord Knight - Irrelevent Basher

Paladin - Remy LeBeau

Ninja - AshKetchum

Soul Linker - Troll somethingdontknowhisname.

Soul Gladiator - Oblivion's SG

Super Baby - Baby Signal

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Champion - Me

High Priest - Me

Stalker - Me

Sinx - Me

Creator - Me

Whitesmith - Me

High Wizard - Me

Professor - Me

Sniper - Me

Clown/Gyspy - Me

Soul Linker - Me

Star Glady - Me

Gunslinger - Me

Baby Chars - Me

Game Master - Me

Npc - Me

MvP - Me


Have Confidence Of Yourself And You Can Be "Me" For All Classes!

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Lol n_n.

Champion- D r a x

Assassin Cross- Terminus obviously

Dancer- Me if I made a female character

Professor- GTB > Them

High Wizard- Kinketsu before he quit

Whitesmith- None thus far

Creator- Clockworks + he's pink

Lord Knight- Irrelevant Basher

Snpier- iHunt

Paladin- Deviant until I find out his healing device for Potion PvP

Clown- Lord Romance

Soul Linker- I could kill them too easily

Star Gladiator- ...

Stalker- Kingdom

If you didn't know. Kinektsu uses MY BUILD. MY CARDS. MY EQUIPS. MY STRATEGIES. He even took my colors.

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Champion - No one

High Priest - Dr Tran

Stalker - Mute

Assassin Cross - Terminus

Sniper - No one

Clown - Lord Romance

Dancer - Selena

Professor - Elijas

High Wizard - Accolade

Whitesmith - None

Creator - Patchworks maybe?

Lord Knight - Irrelevant/Penis.

Paladin - Deviant/Remy LeBeau

Ninja - None

Soul Linker - No one

Soul Gladiator - No one

Super Baby - No one

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