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[ Comment ] Mariah Carey

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I see you used these shining dots like on your Carmen Boobetic signature. Apart from your text ,the only thing I found a little weird/ugly was the hair zone,and the stock you used beeing seen twice ,like one up another.


btw; your type sucks.



Anyways Zack from my personal point of view, you're improving a lot better than your past signatures. I have to agree that those glowing orbs ( massive ) are a neat touch. But you need to work on your blending a little bit - because that outline kind of ruins it a little bit. Also that mirror/water reflection you did at the bottom was creative but you need to change the bottom reflection a bit. x_x;. But yeah overall, you're improving A LOT.


Thanks for all of the feedback from this and the previous sig I made.

I'll let the GFX page stay calm and not post too many sig pages, so for the sig I have in my siggy right now, I'll refrain from posting a separate topic. ;]

Thanks for all of the feedback from this and the previous sig I made.

I'll let the GFX page stay calm and not post too many sig pages, so for the sig I have in my siggy right now, I'll refrain from posting a separate topic. ;]

Post them, no one minds.

We love to see improvement. :]

&& I'm assuming you cut her out right?

Like Bruno said before just work on the cutting, her hair looks akward.

dafont.com could of made your sig 30x better BTW.


Nay, I haven't been the one to cut my recent renders. I'm sorry.(?)

Yeah, I should go to dafont.com shouldn't I? Lol.


About Mariah Carey... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwFgpPvK0aU

I don't like her n.n;;

Other than that, I find the text a bit off coloured, it doesn't flow. The lettering needs improvement. Also, I dislike the mirror effect or a double effect on the bottom of the sig. Looks wierd.

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