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[GM]Defiance happens to be a major douche bag and takes big creepy bitches sides like (name deleted) because he has a fat bitch fetish. Its an illness but please dont feel sorry for him.


Fluffy, if you continue talk about my sister in this way you got KoSed forever and Mobbed from me and get raped too.

Care about what and who your going to talk next time you die. Never say bad things about a muslim.

Last warning for you, the onliest Big Ugly Fish I see here is you.


Ok, you mean it serious then die until the day comes your going to be just Homo not Bi.


Shut up, you didn't read what she is talking about?

She says bad things about my sister then she get mobbed by myself it hurts me too.


If that is her way to talk she shouldn't post anything here, I will mob her life man. Muslims = Not Terrorist, but offend us you get mobbed. I am not the onliest Muslim here.


this wouldn't be happening if they had made me a GM )=

but you see what happens?! REGRET IT NOW! OH YA~!


Someone should SERIOUSLY close this thread before it gets any worse.


Ok, maybe I got an accent, but try to speak 4 Languages like me.

I think they are going to delete the thread. :x

Lol, you think? XD


Yeah, best thing to do is edit your posts if you don't want warn/ban now. =O

They need GMs on different times zones, well here I am! But doubtful I'll get a spot. )=

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