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[ SOTW ] Vote!

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Now.. it's time for all of you to vote for your favourite signature.

[ Rules ]

  • Voter must have at least 10 posts.
  • Voter must give a legit reason on why they vote for that person.

    Reasons such as : I like that signature because it has my favourite anime character

  • Include the person you're voting for in your post.
  • The artist may not vote for themselves.

    Please vote for the following entries :

    SOTW1-3.png - Nitemare92

    alkim3copyug5.png - Walshy

    deceptionif5.png - Blueberry

    Serene_Beauty_by_glaciemi.png - Ethereal

    sotwsv8.png - Versace

    kittiesignatureviiuq6.png - Kittie

    1z5u7th.jpg - Hot Burn

    details2zp3.png - L2Aim

    Good luck to the artists!


I vote for Ethereal's Serene Beauty because I love her style, it is really effective. It catches your eye and is just perfect to be honest. xD

10/10 /no1

I vote for Hot Burn. Pwnage. NOT.

I vote for Ethereal :D. Love it.

Please give a better reason than that.


I love her style,and the signature itself. Pure beauty. I like how everything blends in,just...awesome.

Got enough reasons? :D

Can you vote for two people? o.o


Can you learn to read ? ^^. Sowy for double post.


I vote for Versace-

In my opinion its the only sig up there thats purely artistic. Looking at it for the first time brought out an emotion of hope or "a glimmer of hope". The title and the sig fit together perfectly. The other sigs up there don't give off much meaning, their simply eye candy :P

I'm on Hot Burn, very brave indeed.I'll vote for Versace. unique concept. No objects included. Pure skills ^^
I'm on Hot Burn, very brave indeed.I'll vote for Versace. unique concept. No objects included. Pure skills ^^

I vote for Ethereal because I like her style, the colors and the sig is just so elegant looking.<3


I vote for Hot Burn.

He did the same thing as the previous signatures, took a picture from the internet and added a few stuff while altering some colors playing with brushes. If thats art then everybody in the world is an artist.

The only signature worthy here would be Versace's because as far as I could see, theres no picture taken from the internet !

All in all; The only art here was created by Versace so on the serious note I vote for her.

Every other picutre is just a plagerized altered picture.

Ami wins.

Why does she win?

She wins because her signature is brilliant (no pun intended). It is simple, with a well chosen stock. The bright complexion off the face of the character is well done. The stars from the stock adds to the design of the actual signature. It looks like shes looking into the sun with the wind blowing off her golden complexion. The lettering is perfect. It is sharp, percise, and well chosen.

Why do I not like the other contestants?

Versace's signature is abstract, intelligent, and original. However, the lettering is off, it is kind of dull and unclear. It hurts my eyes after seeing the lettering after awhile. Its like seeing if fire is hot after burning myself once.

Walsh - I like your simple design, your render + text. It is simple, and good since you seem to be new with PS. Its a great start, and I would like to crown you the winner but you see, well... I see no text. Its plain. Too plain.

Blueberry - Its great! I love how the light shines off her body, giving her a nice tan. Then theres the abstract markings on her, which develops the texture of her skin. However, like Versace's, the texting is a bit off, it doesn't really "mix" with the actual signature, I also do not understand what "Deception" has to do with the signature? Because she really doesn't have tanned skin? She's actually a ho? What? A decepticon? Well, other than that, its a great piece of work.

Kittie - Same as Blueberry. I don't get what you mean by chapter 13. Are you reading up to there in a book? The RO chapters? If it is the RO chapters, then what does that have to do with a girl lying on her back? However, I do really like golden look of her and how she stares off into the light. A great stock image!

Ethereal - 4

Hot Burn - 4

Versace - 4


I vote Hot Burn; the simplicity of the sig attracts me to it's true possession of GFX art. The poop in the background appeals to my eye. ;]

Ethereal - 4
  • Rowan
  • Geldaz
  • Helayna
  • Terminus

Hot Burn - 2

  • Nitemare92
  • MikE~XII

Versace - 5

  • Flush
  • Damascus
  • Walshy
  • chalkzone
  • MissMezri
I'm gonna sit out on the votes. :P

Good luck to everyone!

I vote Hot Burn; the simplicity of the sig attracts me to it's true possession of GFX art. The poop in the background appeals to my eye. ;]

Wow. The 2 I like are Ethereal's and Versace's. In the end. I choose Versace because I like the concept of the picture.


I vote versace, abstract and original, a truly beautiful image.

Serene beauty is very beautiful, if not, very colorful for the eyes. But too much brightness probably killed it for me. Glimmer of Hope on the other hand, produced a very soothing feel for the eyes. Not too bright, and not too heavy with details. I love the way it gives you that cool feeling while imagining yourself bathing in calm waters with nothing but the trees as your roof. Dark and cool, but not enough to let you freeze.

Sorry guys but your understanding of 'art' and 'own' work is weird.

Not to go against Glimmer of Hope; but seriously; a C4D reder is exactly the same kind of 'stock' as a usual picture of a person. Some of you might not know about what C4Ds are so I will explain it to you quickly.


A C4D, or Cinema4D, is an image made in a programm called Cinema4D. The main difference between C4D renders and normal stocks is that said C4Ds are 3D. Furthermore the C4Ds used to make signatures are, most likely, abstract or vector.

So just to get the facts straight;

A C4D is also a stock.

So actually Versace just used a stock like everybody else right now. She, apparently, liquified it and set the modes to brighten or something. You seriously can't say this is more of own work than others. If you took out everything that isn't made by her, you would have a black box with a border, considering she didn't create the font or the brush, used for the light, either.

Nevertheless I have to point out again that art is not rated by its difficulty to make it nor by the fact of using renders, stocks or anything else. A piece of art is judged by its expression and look. Regardless of any consideraton

of 'own' influence to the actual image ( if existent ).

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