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A quote

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I completely thought of this myself although it isn't original it is original O.o, confusing yes XD. anyways tell me if you guys agree with it.

"Without Love There Is No Hate, But Without Hate There Is No Love"


No, coz it doesnt make sense at all.

Love and Hate are not complementary to each other.


@chalk thats the whole point, and yeah its hard to explain but if you think about it, it makes quite some sense.


It does make sense. You cannot fix something that is already fixed. Things are meant to be broken and destroyed. It's your choice whether you want to fix them or not.


Don't take quotes literally. Its like a comparison between good and evil. If there is no good, then all there is evil or "nothingness". If there is no evil, then there is only good or only "nothingness". Think of it this way, if "good" was no longer in existance, there would be nothing to say as evil or a contrast towards doing the right thing. Same thing goes with "evil".

However, I can think of flaws with his comparison between love and hate. You can live with love in your life all the time, without hate. If you hate someone, fine, you can like them but not love them. People can hate you for many things, not only love. They can hate you for saying "Fuk u Hitler!!!" or calling you black.


but if you think about it every person that is with someone, has at least one fight and that fight can control what happens next whether it will be a good experience or not.


"Love is like a pineapple, sweet and undefinable"


Heart is like an apple Its red and sweet

is that good?

I wish i know Tupac cause he knows many good Poems and Rap songs

No, no it's; life is like a buttered cat...

unexplainable ^^

Curiosity killed the cat, thats because I skinned the cat out of curiosity.

Oh, and no, your quote isn't great. Find a better one. One that we can all agree on.



I still stand on my point, Its senseless...

Good and Evil cannot be compared to Love and Hate...

And it should be the other way around, If there is Love, there should be no hate. But if there is Hate, there's still hope that there is love.

Love and Hate are not metaphors coz they are literally used, Your mind is just messing up w/ you..

Maybe you haven't tried loving someone that you hated, thats why you can't understand how it works.

Admit it wolfy, what you said is senseless. I know you've tried making another version of Good and evil comparison.

try making another one coz this one fails.


"Curiosity killed the cat, if so, then I skinned the cat out of curiosity."

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