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[SOTW] Freestyle

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Sorry for the double post but I updated it again. xD

This is the last time, I swear. @_@

That's an old one I made around last year for another forum that was doing SOTW. ( The thing that says SOTW at the top & ENTRY at the bottom ) xD;.

Hmm, pics with brushes and coloring =/ ?

I've seen better ones, use your creativity.

You guys rock, prove us again that you do.

Hmm, pics with brushes and coloring =/ ?

I've seen better ones, use your creativity.

You guys rock, prove us again that you do.

Damn dude, you just like... Broke my spirits.. Lol.

Wth's typography? Lol.

Lettering. :]

OH & I just realized I did use a brush, one soft brush [deafault on ps brushes] there in the corner for the light source.

No brushes, No stocks, Nothing but pure photoshopping & Typography.

Finally found a border that fits, good work.

And to the others, yea it's nice, but I'm with Sensation ;o (wonder why ;o)


Well if you've ever looked at the main page of the forums, at the bottom it shows all the groups like Trainee, GFX Team, etc.

& Edited my post with my tag, I put the stock there.


btw for those who said my sig was to dark. I had made a lighter version before posting this but I believe it lost it's meaning after it was lightened. It looked cool, yeah, but when I originally made this for the competition and was thinking of the wording it reminded me & Sarhan of coming out of the ocean... If anyone's ever been scuba diving it's something like that... Which is where the light source comes in play with the words. The lighter version didn't do the words justice.

* Edited Zack's first post just to add a little banner for the SOTW.

Current Entries:

SOTW1-3.png - Nitemare92

Not much was done to this... It was pretty much a color change, copy + paste of the ichigo's and a color change of them. Blurred in to change the gradient over lays. Fixing the brushes and a simple amount of fixing it to look like it's a part of the background... I give this a 5/10

alkim3copyug5.png - Walshy

For somebody who never uses photoshop I say huzzah! But over all. Simple background brushes, a back light, and copy + paste of 3 girls that look cute so people will think it's an awesome sig. 3/10

deceptionif5.png - Blueberry

Blueberries signature is that of a bunch of vectors that are opacitied to about 30-50% so it looks see through. The background is an abstract of a BUNCH of brushes which don't show much due to "Jessica Alba" being on the front cover. A simple 2 border cliche different colors. 6/10

Serene_Beauty_by_glaciemi.png - Ethereal

I honestly don't see much done here. I see a blue background, with starry images due to brushes. Their extremely blurred out and it's extremely hard to see the stars in there own light. She used a bunch of girly brushes to make it look "mystique". Yes the lighting was done very excellently but I don't think it's a winner. 6/10

sotwsv8.png - Versace

Now this is a signature I can say that was done very well. But it's way to dark for my taste. Her style was done purely through photoshop and no "pre-set" brushes. Going through several steps to make it look like an excellent piece of abstract work. I claim her work 8/10

kittiesignatureviiuq6.png - Kittie

Simple gradient over-lay. Well maybe 2-3. 4/10

Voting will be on June 1st, 2008.

I've been doing photoshop for about 5-6 years... I know what i'm talking about I concluded what Rajaa did in her signature without her even telling me. I DO know what i'm talking about. If you would like to see some of my work, my friends work, and compilations of ours. I'll be glad to post some.

But all in all I think "Versace" has the best signature. She should be crowned SOTW.


To tell you the truth, there were ABSOLUTELY NO BRUSHES in the tag. And those stars were from the stock, if you've checked.


Yes I did. I didn't get to look at the stocks I thought it was purely done through photoshop + pictures.

I guess I was wrong. You did less work than I thought.

Oh and just to back up what i've done + some compilations of my friends & I. Here they are.


Signature made through C4D + Photoshop, this was an old forum name on a Diablo II Server I played.


Quite bright but it was an excellent piece that was highly rated on Deviant Art.


This is a friend on a forum that is still currently up. We used Maya3D and Photoshop. This had NO STOCK. We did this purely through Maya 3D to create the bridge + lights.

I did the Maya3D work while he did the photoshop work. It was an increasingly stressful signature but it was worth doing. As the outcome shows.


This was done by a friend on deviantart that I met through diablo II once again. His name was "Nephilim" you can search for his work.

I was known as gfx. by the way. And you can ask him if he knew me. But I gave him advice on how to make the shape of the Audi TT. Other than that he did the rest of the work.

And yes these people are LEGIT and you can find them on deviant art or maybe a different graphics forums. And yes they will remember "gfx."

Thus why my words should be heeded in this SOTW.

And to be honest, I think your way of commenting things are kind of off for me. The message I get from you is that you judge by the effects they've done and how easy it was. Art is not meant to be really difficult things that just happen to look good; it's the message that it sends to the viewer. The simplicity also applies too. That's what important about art. Although this is digital art, it's still art either way.

Yes the message of "ease" shouldn't be that of being able to WIN. You need to put earnest work into it. Just because of a little light blue color, flashy brushes, and strokes of your mouse by doing so makes you a winner?


Do not make this a POPULARITY CONTEST.
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