GodspeedXIII Posted May 23, 2008 Report Posted May 23, 2008 I reserved my right to vote since I disagree with both this HEAVY NERF and NO NERF. Give me those angry eyes, but seriously, Gen, this is going to cause an outcry even worst than what it is now if you nerf the GTB the way you're going to, and so the grinding comments on Magical incompetence if you don't nerf it. I'm saying this again: The original purpose of GTB is to block magic attack, but its abundance is threatening the magic classes. Therefore, we should keep its original blocking effect but not at 100% so magic can pass through if it is spammed enough times considering the average spamming damage output for damage classes plus the wizzes' low HP factor. The idea that you want to backlash the GTB user by making them equip RSX card to eliminate knockbacks is a decent idea. We can do it the maya way, including AoE spells. My suggestion: approx. 50% chance to block magical attacks. The damage reduction should be kept, too. Wizards are calling for the total nerf of GTB, but again, thier high damage output is put into consideration, coupled with the block chance, we can now do it the Usako way. My suggestion: approx. 35% magic damage resistance. Since the total immunity is removed, we shall close that opening, but have mercy for the nerfed coma. My suggestion: immune to all statuses except coma AND ogre-face /gg And to ensure that the anti-buff penalty is in place. My suggestion: Cast lv5 dispel on the user when equipped. Due to all backlashes the double SP consumption is not needed. In conclusion: GTB, an MVP card, would be a combination of cards avalible out there combined to counter magic classes plus some undesirable backlashes. 50% chance to block magical attacks. 35% Magic damage resistance Immune to statuses except coma and orgeface /gg Cast dispell lv5 upon equipping. Zeit and other GMs, please take this into account, I'm buying all your statements from all other GTB threads. I'll keep editing my suggestions until it match the server's need BY REASONABLE MEANS and later take it to Gen's consideration. P.S. If you want to argue, DON'T go for "no nerf is good wizzes should learn to play" or "heavy nerf is good you melee cowards". I am NOT dead sure if the xx% is right for the nerf so correct me if I'm wrong, but at least I stuck to Gravity standards (xx% rate of availble cards). And give me reasons why it should be altered your way, I gave mine.