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300 ygg tiks

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Recently my bf got 30k hydra. I joked and said, imagine if I had 30k ygg tiks. That was a bit much, but I told myself that 30k berries was reasonable. I hunted at for_dun01 for a few days, gathering berries and saving them all. And finally Tadaa!


Then I went to fcity for the long task of turning them into tickets.


Yay done! 300 tiks in mah pocket


I'm gonna go ahead and ask what you'd pay for them XD


I want your YGG :D

Lol Nice pick and nice work.


Nice. Although you can get 100 ygg tickets a day on farming (( 6-7 hours)).

And I'd pay the original price. not 1:2 or 1:3. My ass.


either you gathered those for a long while or you a have a lot of tickets. Grats? -__-

And geldaz that's the price now of ygg tiks.


I remember the old days where BusyBusiness was still alive. Whoever was the GM that got her/him,I hate you. Even though he/she was a bot,it was one of the best. He sold 5 berry tickets each 1 coupon. I bought over 10k tickets from him.

People now just try to profit overpricing stuff.


Well, maybe the market is inflamed. And if that person was a bot for real, then of course she'll sell it to you for that cheap, she didn't do all that work herself.

And BUYING ygg tiks doesn't count in this thread D: I hunted these on my own :<


lol, then that doesn't count! >:O!!!!!!


lol...thanks fluffy, and Drax, you go ahead and enjoy them, I know I'm enjoying mine. They're just sitting there for now ^.^

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