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Favorite memory of ForsakenRO?

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I'm sure we all have various memories all from ForsakenRO, some more then others! What're some of your favorite memories? Heck. Maybe even the embarrasing ones when you were a young nublet. =O

Feel free to share!


When I shat on everybody in a TLMS alone. I was a Paladin and told the GMs that I was going to go solo, this was my second attempt. Then in the beginning of the LMS I rammed down and destroyed all of my opponents and everybody was like ' :o !!!!!!!!!!!! OSHIT- ' and ' gM is tHAT LEgal ???????///1 '. Then everybody was dead. Literally. Even me. I died when a champion decided to Asura Strike me. But at least I wiped TLMS out single handedly.


when me, Drax, and blade tried to win TLMS by ourselves, The Gm's kicked us from the server >>

best memory? the day i witnessed one of the GM's fail to kill someone in dice. roflrofl


I cant really remember what happened. since i have bad memory. @__@


Lets see My favorite memory was the things that happened to me last month i guess

when im with nikki and we always hangout with ea other


Mine was when everyone died and I was like "AHAHAHAHAHA" Lols, Jk.


My favorite memory was when my cuzin and i were in Dice and i had GTB and claoked and he ws a champ sitng here, next thing u kno tthe number lands on us the GMs dmg him a lil in hp wiht their SG then when they asura he lvies it twice then finaly goes KO when Fate does fnial strike and they had to hit me with ' You've died" cause i coulnt get insighted and the coulnt SG me


your killing it now zack. D;<

I kill everything, according to you, Walshy. -_-

Anyways, isn't it a GOOD thing for me if I DO kill it?


A lot of stuffs. fRO is fun~ But I enjoyed the time when Mike(Mike of the year), Return, kouchh and the rest of us kept inflicting chaos in fcity. Boy, it was really fun watching them. xD


My best memory was me and Terminus owning in WoE with a 2 man team but that was b4 i fucked things up... dumb mistake which i wish i could take back


Or when I told drax to ' NOT ATTACK ME ' Since I had a Deviling in a +10 Valk Manteau and 2 OLs / reflect and 2 Am Mut + 1 Alice and he had Thanatos / Poison / EDP on and we both died in on his first hit one LMS.

x_x Damn you drax.


1.Once the first application of GMs, I get an email saying I was the new GM of fkRO, I was pleased with that, I remember very well the GMs that came along with me, Delirium, Milhouse and Zeitgeist.When Ethereal was announcing the new GMs I thought I was going to make any mess has MY GOD! I DO NOT KNOW HOw TO HOST A EVENT! Then I said''Ethereal I have to go urgent!''Then I logged of fkRO, then one hour later I was doing my first event that grace the god was successful.

2.When I arrived drunk at home and entered fkRO to make Dice, so I gave drunk / dice and the number was 2 and I killed all world in 3 and also logged during Dice event and was 1 min off, I returned and the rest everything was normal =].

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