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anyone knows me?

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im Bladex

im just wondering if anyone knows me in game? o.O

i just want to know if I'm popular like Limitless, Patchworks etc

how do i become popular like those guys? :mellow:

i want to be like them T.T



Being famous isn't a good thing. Lolol.

Then people will think that once they kill you, they'll get famous. You'll be hunted!


Be agressive in PvP

Participate WoE/events often

Make lots of friends

Thrive and make good characters that own.

Nice attitude/Vigilante.

That's all I can think of, and oh...

don't ask for fame, it won't come to you if you do.


There are pros and cons.

I prefer being a nobody than a somebody.


Fame is something you shape with your personality in-game, and the way you interact with people.


Umm.. but I would like to meet you in-game Bladex~

And take in what [GM]Defiance said about Fame. He's right. /heh


Being famous is not that great,belive me.Do the same thing as me;stay in the shadows :ph34r:



Make allies, not enemies.

Umm.. but I would like to meet you in-game Bladex~

And take in what [GM]Defiance said about Fame. He's right. /heh

And I would like to meet you in-game, Arcane.

...I think we said that like a month ago /sob.

And I would like to meet you in-game, Arcane.

...I think we said that like a month ago /sob.

xD Me too~ lol. I'm usually on my Baby character. PM Maiden if you have the chance. Like right now?


Make allies, not enemies.

Woops and one more thing.

Because no matter what even if you make the allies. You'll have enemies because people will envy you. Once people hate you and speak your name. You know you struck gold.

Being hated is a sign of becoming popular.


Being original makes you 'famous' already, it will set you apart from the others.

Don't try to be famous, that's not original, most people want it.

If you would just do your thing, you will make friends, do things together and get known.

Those are 2 different things, yet very close to eachother.

Get known, then get famous.


To be beloved is a bliss

To be known is optional

To be hated is malevolently pleasant

To be ignored is the worst of all


Well Being popular it's not mean all people gonna respect you..

Well Exept the GM or the Admin.

Just remem. Don't be high to your self Because it's will took you down fast. :o

Being famous isn't a good thing. Lolol.

Then people will think that once they kill you, they'll get famous. You'll be hunted!

So true. A few server back on a mid rate server, I had a a HP that was famous. Not because of cards and gear but of skill. It was FS and people always had a hell of a time killing it. It was also a tank when it came to mobing for people. I was able to mob a huge amount of monsters while taking very little damage and able to keep the other person I'm mobing for alive. Because of this it became one of the most hunted char on the server. With so many people after my skulls I couldn't go and help people lvl or sit around on maps BSing with friendns outside of towns. Some people will respect you if you're famous and some people will be a complete ass to you because they want/think they are better then you. So take a page from my book and just stay low enuff to be under that lvl.


wait so u guys saying that to become famous...u must have good equips??

cuz overall: someone said that to become famous, you must be aggressive or make allies....

but in order to ally good players, you must have good equips cuz if ur like a nobody then they wont ally you cuz ur like a weakling

second: how you will be an agressive type of person if ur the one that always keep dieing inside the arena :unsure:

*sigh* so i guess in order to become famous= good equips? :unsure:


You don't need to have good equipment... Everybody here has said something that is true. What I liked most was Sensation's though. And Wizardry... Because I see it happen. >_>

Just be yourself... You'll make friends, then more and more. Unless you don't interact with people, I don't see the point of playing the game though, if you don't interact. If you do get popular... Don't become and idiot and abuse the fact that you're known. I've seen people become popular or stronger then they go and abuse their friends or exclude them. So, do what you will in a good manner.


Tactical ways of playing (also known as skills) will make you become famous too.

It will give you a certain status in the server, even if you die a lot.

The new/advanced way of playing will make people respect you.

It takes time, a lot of effort, but it definately is worth it.

And it is possible, my legit is the living evidence of it

(it dies fast, but no one has been able to mimic what I've been ableto do so far).

Don't expect to be good in an instant, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Get known, then get famous.

Tactical ways of playing (also known as skills) will make you become famous too.

It will give you a certain status in the server, even if you die a lot.

The new/advanced way of playing will make people respect you.

It takes time, a lot of effort, but it definately is worth it.

And it is possible, my legit is the living evidence of it

(it dies fast, but no one has been able to mimic what I've been ableto do so far).

Don't expect to be good in an instant, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Get known, then get famous.



Being ' Famous ' is o.k if it doesn't bother you to help people now and then and have people say that it's ' an honor ' to find you in-game.


Being good when it come's to RO isn't that hard to do, really. It doesn't take a long time to become good either, as long as you have some common sense. Why does it matter if you're famous or not, anyways?


My impression on being famous:

I slapped my first ever labor-earned Valk Helm and Dragon aura on my character and suddenly, two people registered me as a friend.

One of them said "nid 1h elite spear pls" so I told the guy that I'm also the penniless one so he'd stop.

Now imagine that hundred-folded. That's why it's better to be beloved than famous.

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