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hi =O

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Joined to play with some old friends :P, so far this server is pretty good and I hope I enjoy my stay :).


Welcome nya~ I'm sure you'll love it here. PM me in-game if you need anything. My IGNs are listed below~ Take care now!


Welcome and nice to meet you here.:D

Have fun.

Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online, the Forbidden Reality! Please enjoy your stay and if you have any problems, please contact the GM's by using @request if they're on.

Welcome, Welcome , Welcome , Welcome!!!!!!!!! to the rest of your life. FRO forever!


Weclome! Enjyo ur stay an dnt hesitaet to seek hlp form meh lol.

Translation: I bid welcome for your arrival to this very place, please make yourself at home and have fun with Forsaken Ragnarok Online and its superb community, and if you're in distress or if any curiosity is summoned upon you, hesitate not to whisper me via the personal messaging system or give a bellow via broadcasting which is rather easily accessible, I laughed in conviviality to express my joy to meet you.

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