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Abstract hotness.

I like this kind of stuff so much o_o


Looks awesome. I thought this was another Scum R Us about my professor when I saw ''Light''.



You know I usually love all your work but this, unfortunately, disappointed me.

Imho, it's way too dark to have the word 'Light' in it. It should be way brighter. Furthermore you can see that you haven't done much but merging a couple of C4Ds, which, as I already mentioned, are way too dark and a litte blurry. In the middle, where you've added a Brightness, all those renders, or at least the one you've use the Filter on, is a hell'a pixel-ish. I don't really like the border either since it looks like a MS window. Sorry for all that critique but I'm just trying to express my point of view. :/

Imho, you can do that way better. ;)


Agreeing with geldaz, just I thought the Light from Deathnote not his proffessor (I know who your Prof name sounds like)

You know I usually love all your work but this, unfortunately, disappointed me.

Imho, it's way too dark to have the word 'Light' in it. It should be way brighter. Furthermore you can see that you haven't done much but merging a couple of C4Ds, which, as I already mentioned, are way too dark and a litte blurry. In the middle, where you've added a Brightness, all those renders, or at least the one you've use the Filter on, is a hell'a pixel-ish. I don't really like the border either since it looks like a MS window. Sorry for all that critique but I'm just trying to express my point of view. :/

Imho, you can do that way better. ;)

I actually brightened it on photoshop and changed it a bit but I was to lazy to post it here...

Towards everything else it's not just a bunch of c4d's or renders together but you'd only see that if you saw the .psd file to understand what I did. Thanks for your honest opinion though.

& honestly I'm sick and tired of regular borders, majority of the time they look a bit.. newbish.

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