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This Is Me=)

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time i introduced myself i have been pretty active on the forums and never did this so here it is.

My name as you can see by my Forum Title is Dave,i live in the UK i play this with my 2 sons.

Im not what you would call your average gamer,getting a bit long in the tooth but i still enjoy the fast pace,even if at times i struggle to keep up.

I play games like these for the quests,and chat more than anything else it was one of the reasons i chose Fro the quests are great and a good range of them, i do like woe so was a little dissapointed when woe was not what expected,i'm not a big pvp fan but i do go in from time to time,im pretty outspoken in my views especially if i feel something is wrong and needs to be said.

I try to be open minded and respect everyones view,even if i do not agree with it,i have been playing this game in one shape or another for about 6 years,started making my own server to mess on with the kids and progressed from there.

So thats me,nice to meet you all and hope it will be fun playing with you.


Hello~ Welcome nya~ xD If you need to talk to something, you can always PM me nya~ /heh


welcome,,, :)

happy to see u're from europe,,, :P ,,,we're not much,,, :)

for any question or help feel free to contact me ingame,,, :)



Welcome and have fun with us, nice to meet you.


I recognize you on the forums, Dave. It comforts me to know that I'm not too old to play RO while most players are adolescents. I'm your basic university student type of guy and a casual gamer, that means I don't really enjoy fierce PvP competition and global PK much, but I just like to level up and help people ingame. These simple joys are what glued me to RO.

Anyway, nice to meet you, and if you find anyone from the guild with shield-and-wing emblem, that's my "support" guild. You may ask any questions or ask for free buffs or items if I can provide you with any.

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