Dave Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 Forsaken Donation Items in NoN donation PvP: You know the story,you go in None Donation PvP have a fight,you win the other guy says "come to Donation room i dont have my equips",some people just can't fight without there uber stuff i guess. Next thing you know they come back and whale on your ass only this time they have there equips,there donation equips that is in NoN donation pvp,how? Some people just dont like to lose so they get a friend to put there Donation stuff in a Cart,they both go in NoN Donation PvP and trade items inside,as a result of this little flaw in the system people are getting there Donation stuff in NoN Donation PvP. So now you know how the guy you beat easy last time,just got harder the second time around. This needs to be fixed,quite a few people are taking advantage of this to get kills and pvp ranks in NoN Donation PvP,not only that but it doesnt give the rest a fair chance.
Defiance Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 I'll discuss this matter to the other GMs as soon as possible.