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To get this over with.

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>__> Blue you fag! D; he has found out *runs and hides* Yea,I toughened up after recent events in my family and decided this was no big matter


I don't see whats so good about penis. I own one and never liked it much, I like owning it and like, it being my own but I've never liked it enough to use someone else's penis.

How so? She could easily bring someone down so she could easily be brought down too. Playa? Lolno. I respect ' Romance '

and don't say congratulations :x. I had another in Boston after Ami left me and she only lasted 4 days after I dumped her. Anyways, I'm bored as hell and I've got an exam tomorrow so I'll just keep senselessly spamming stuff here that aren't really important.

Did she ever insult you verbally? If not, don't do so either. But after all it's not my 'problem' so I don't want to barge in that.

Yeah, but it makes him look like one of the annoying homos that you see yelling everywhere and shit. No offense.
None Taken.

I don't see whats so good about penis. I own one and never liked it much, I like owning it and like, it being my own but I've never liked it enough to use someone else's penis.

Penis? fo reals?Lol ice cream made me hyper.....

Thats why I'm glad that Ami cut her bullshit and left me from that crappy thing others might call an e-lationship while I could just call it ' Immuring the emotion of " Romance " from others so I won't success '.

Imagine how I raise an eyebrow.

Let's not go off topic onto Ami, let's celebrate his bisexual intro vision.


Agreed. So, Tyler, why do you like Penis?

I guess that's like He asks you why you like vaginas, isn't it?

Double posts are teh win.



If you were with her you'll notice that she was just running bullshit. Wait, I hope you're not with her now, if you are; Good luck.

On the other note: So, Tyler, penis?

Penis and Vaginas are different.


'With her'? Rofl No.

+ My question was hypothetically. n_n


Then exactly. Anyways, Penis and Vagina are used differently and I'm not trying to offend Tyler. I'm being straight-foward. It's called being serious.

Penis and Vagina are used differently

SRSLY?! That's probably why it hurted... I did something wrong. ):

They are. Well, both pee but sexually different.

That's what I didn't know. ):

Agreed. So, Tyler, why do you like Penis?

Because,I do...o__o thanks for asking? I like vagina and boobs too mike D:<

Anyways yea....HALF HOMO Bisexual!!!


Good because of this I think we all still friends? O_o

It's not a problem...And guys don't laugh because this.


Well, at least you're STILL man enough to admit it. Uhh congrats? I really have nothing good to say to you other than that. Its not like being bisexual will cause severe damage to the people around you. As long as you remain within the boundaries of sanity and abide rules and regulations, then nothing can be charged against you.

Thats all.

I still don't get how man could like penis.

Well...it's because you're straight :),I like penis, vagina, boobs, men, women o__o

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