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If you haven't already I'd suggest looking up on keeping them as pets. I did that and boy can they be something else ^__^


I would but my pet siberian tiger keeps me busy. )=

Plus I feed it small dogs when it's hungry. So don't need it confused.


I once saw a pet tiger on TV, she was almost blind, and was extremely gentle. She got loose once but was no threat. Family kept her no problem. Not ALL tigers are like that x__x

I would't recommend a tiger unless you're trained to own one, and you have TONS of money to buy meat for it...else it'll go hungry. And you need space to keep it, and you neet to have it checked by a vet twice a year. And you need to live in the right location. Meaning not too hot not too cold.

Stll want a tiger?


Lol, enough people hit deers the police usually have them dragged over here. =]

And wher exactly is "here"?

my house....the box...>_>

I keep the tiger in the yard, rofl


But you should give it a different food then deers that has been hit by cars XD


O.O Tiger Sculpture? I guess it's doable O.o


Make a RO character sculpture! Mwhahahahahaha... ha........ ha.... ha...... DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Or just draw my baby wiz, I'll have a pic of him soon :P


Try to make something better then my sig.

Task = Impossible



Actually I just made one, but I'm not posting it here.

Sorry for the lack of pictures, I've been pwetty buseh lately. Preparing for when Ricky gets here, i'm packing for moving day, takin care of two dogs instead of one, and helping some friends take care of their server. That's where the sig that Ryo won't see comes in ;P It's not technically a siggy but it easily could be. It the patcher loading screen.

Once ricky's here I'll be quite inactive i think, depends on what we do. I'll try to scan some pics sometime and post em. Until then, happy gaming and have a nice summer.


New here in the forums, but been around in Forsake for a little while. I have to say going through this thread was a wonderful experience. I, for one, would say your art is deviantart worthy. If you do have a site I would like to know what it is. I need more to inspire me for future projects. Keep up the awesome work~


Cool, I was inactive and still got replies ^__^

Thanks Reborn & Wickedends, I love all your comments. I do have a deviantart site, but you'll find almost all of this work there, and not much else. I want to create a new one or revamp my old one sometime. Until relatively recently I didn't have photoshop or a scanner so I have artwork that's lying in a drawer that no one's seen. One day I'll scan them all.

Thanks again :)


XD thank you.

Actually Tyler, about your "make an ro char sculpture", I'm thinking of making an ro char chess set. Novies as pawns, gm's as king and queen, pally as castles, Lord knights as....knights, and HP as bishop (roughly) Also thinking that to gain more char versatility, one side would be certain classes than the other side.


i would say that the White side should have like good classes *good being holy* and the black side being evil

so for the white side






black side






the black side im unsure about the Champions but meh, worth a shot

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