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Sonic Character Designer

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Hey everyone,

while i was browsing the Tinternet i found this Character Designer in which you can make it look like someone from the Anime and Game series Sonic, aswell as your own versions

and i want you lot to make your own and post a picture of it in here

and you need to make atleast 1 of the pre-made characters ( sonic, shadow etc. ) untill they're all used once

to start

The URL : <a href="http://www.playagame.ws/games/Adventure+games/Sonic+Character+Creator.html" target="_blank">http://www.playagame.ws/games/Adventure+ga...er+Creator.html</a>

the URL to post the Picture : <a href="http://www.imageshack.us/" target="_blank">http://www.imageshack.us/</a>

here i go!



my own version of Dark Super Sonic


hope you like them

and Create, Create, Create!


Bump! CMON PEOPLE! dont leave this Thread as a Dead one =(

...That is retarded, why would you evan waste your time on that?

Something to do? Who cares. Half the shit you do is retarded anyways. :)
...That is retarded, why would you evan waste your time on that?

Because I've accomplished beyond what you have so I have so much spare time on my hands, I need to waste it on something and this is fun.

You mispelt: even*.

Because I've accomplished beyond what you have so I have so much spare time on my hands, I need to waste it on something and this is fun.

You mispelt: even*.

You misspelt: misspelt*. /heh


omg, guys this is a Sonic character thread NOT an annoying bitchy thread STAY ON TOPIC

+ the one with Evil sonic got me thinking so i whipped up Demon Shadow



oh em gee, Damascus, the 2nd in command of the Grammer Corp MISSPELLED A WORD! THE WORLD IS GOING TO END DX lol

Damascus is a hypocrit, and a wierd lookin guy. XD


If I'm weird, then what the hell are you. You turn Godzilla every night and say that your'e stoned as an excuse for your own mental retardation that augments to your psychological issue.

I dont go on forums trying to say...("Oh my muscles r so big....I just got outa shower, and damn do i look good right now.")

I never said that my muscles are so big, I stated that I got out of the shower since I did and I actually said that I don't look good in the pitcures. Retard.

I dont buy your "Im not trying to show off crap" I know what you're doing damascus.

Apparently you could only buy weed. You don't get the point that I actually was not trying to show off or whatever but if you consider it showing off then so be it, it only means that it's amazing to you in some awkward way.


guys, stop damn fighting!

Looks like all u can buy is crack with that big ass nose...You can do like 5 lines at once

I'm not going to sink so low as to insulting you. I don't insult trash, it's useless since whatever it may do be as useless as its own existance. It's like arguing with a whore thats trying to close down a thread she dislikes. This being said, I'm gonna make a Shadow with this, Should I make a Metal Shadow?


its your Choice damascus, if you want me to rate your work i will * knowing im a major sonic fan i know whats what and what colors mix and so on,*

anywyas, its like midnight here n i need to get some sleep, got school tomorrow

G'night guys


lol nice name xD

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