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[ Request ] Signature + Avatar

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Ok well i'm willing to pay for one now... I want one it to say Armani somewhere. I want this to be kind of unique not the typical 400 x 200 signature. I my self am a photoshop user but i'm not wanting to make one. So i'll be the judge of what is given to me.

Guessing on how well this goes i'll be willing to pay

10 - Minimum effort in my eyes

50 - Decent effort

100 - Something that blows my mind away =D

Donation Coupons of course.


Hope, read his post carefully he said FREE one



Hope, read his post carefully he said FREE one

Reread it :P

I'll get started on a little something after english homework & two other sigs I have to make.

Are you interested in a sprite?


Yeah anything that will probably exceed anything you've done before. Take your time on it though. There is no rush.

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