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B>False Angel/Female Thief Bug cards

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Hey whats ur IGN?

I wanna buy the Sun and Moon aurora [still earning my qpons but i jsut wanna know ur IGN]


I train where False Angels can be found, so I'll save any False Angel cards I pick up when I train later today and I'll either PM you in game or post here with the amount I find. :'D


omg nice if you could make it 600 so I can give you 9 coupons plox ^^

and post the time (server time) you are mostly on in the game so we can make the trade ( I just see the post)

thanks ^^


I got 600~

I'm usually on from 1pm-10pm server time. Just PM me~ I'll be on my Chiriko character most likely ._. If I don't reply then I might be AFK~

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