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Old school nlRO player, What's up !

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I started reminiscing about the good ol days in nlRO and searched it up on google and some how led into here.

Back in the hey days in the early 2000's i had a hwiz named Kenshin, Blue colour high wizard and was known well in the pvp era. I was mainly friends with a well known Player named Oblah as alot of people would know if you were deep into the pvp world. There was a chick called Amy too and Semir ( Dragon ) - i wasn't as close to him but i got to know him later on. I knew a few others in Dragons guild too - just remembering there name is the hard bit.

I was curious to know who is still around here? or there where abouts? I am lowkey wanting to come back to play RO and it'll be an honor to bring back the old memories again !


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