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- Be level 255.
- Kill whoever is on the KoS list, no matter who they are.
- Knowledge of PvP.
- Some type of ability of PvP.
- Ventrilo.(Not really a true requirement, but it would help.)

- No ganging. I will attack you myself if you do.
- No attacking guild members. We work in unison.
- No provoking others. If I see that you've been muted for something like this you are out.(Unless they were on KoS list)
- No "hopping". If you leave our guild for another, you won't get back in and you're KoS'd.

KoS List:
Trouble and Destroy
That's it for right now, will be updated regularly.

Our guild is right now a PvP guild until we get enough people to WoE. Individuals may WoE with each other or by themselves if you would like. I got tired of getting guild invites and whatnot like 28947987219 times just because somebody saw my with a valk helm and wings.

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