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New Pvp arena for semi-geared players

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"New Pvp Arena for semi-geared players"

I would like to suggest if we can have a separate arena for the semi geared players especially to the newbies.  This would classify and set aside the full geared players to non. Limiting the equipments of the players will give chance to the starting player(s), in between or to those who are still acquring for better gears. We may add Npc next to the guys assigned in the current pvp event.  The new npc for the pvp semi geared event will have a gear/equipment check before entering the room. Here are the ffg. gears/equips allowed only inside the pvp arena:

Upper - Forsaken Knight, Vote King, Activity, Legendary & other quest headgears, (mobs/mvp drops)
Middle - Legendary Auroras, Vote, Activity, old christmas candy & snowflakes aurora, and other quest Auroras not more than +20 to all stats, (mobs/mvp drops)
Lower - Vote, Acitivity, ND=non-donation rings only and other lower hg quest like rucksack, balloon etc.., (mobs/mvp drops)
Armor - Forsaken Knight, Vote King and  no DA, (mobs/mvp drops)
Cloak - Forsaken Knight, Vote King, (mobs/mvp drops)
Boots/shoes - Forsaken Knight, Vote King, (mobs/mvp drops)

Weapon - Legendary,  (mobs/mvp drops)
Shield - Forsaken Knight, Vote King, (mobs/mvp drops)
Accessories - Legendary gauntlets, belts, (mobs/mvp drops)

Cards - usual cards allowed in pvp room

Policies & Guidelines - same as the current policies & guidelines 

Semi geared hall of famers
1st - 100 e.toks
2nd - 75 e.toks
3rd - 50 e.toks
4th - 30 e.toks
5th - 10 e.toks

Schedule  - same schedule w/ the current

I know this will give our Gm's a headache again because of the long syntax. If you see some wrong to my suggestions feel free to comment guys. I'm still open to any of your suggestion/opinion. Don't you worry. Anyway, I'm just trying to give atleast a new ambience to the game and also help our newbies and in between to gain confidence while gearing up and somehow makes them feel happy too while exploring amg enjoing the game. I hope this will be granted. You know, a simple things could make a better place. Thank you.


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