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Activity Tokens

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Activity Tokens are given by being logged on a character. You can be afk and still receive tokens. This seems a little backwards when someone like me is on more than one character and switches between farming and mvp'ing. Why am I being penalized simply because I don't sit in a town all day and leave my computer on?

Is it possible to change the script and give tokens to those who are on doing something even though they're switching between characters?


That will mess up the system. But I do get your point. I honestly feel that there's no need to do this whether a player wants to go AFK, change characters, etc. This reward system COULD BE developed for AFK players. ?


oy some of the rewards are getting better & cooler now looool

also i think thats prob to make it more challenging to earn atoks i guess though i get your point since in your case u do stuff and stay online - its just you do it on diff chars .... but i guess how they set it up is a way to control the atoks in a way it will target the majority - ur case its prob a case to case basis

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