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Fei Fei


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1.) We are a server that everyone in the world plays. So please. Avoid Racism, meaning racist jokes etc.

2.) We accept green jokes /slur

3.) Dont put in snide remarks on your jokes. example: what's worse than snakes on a plane? --> People trying to boost their PVP Ranks by killing their own chars like S@$ MAk.

4.) Try to put in a warning if its a green joke or you are using someone's name in it :)

Some people say that "FTW" means "fuck the world"

Uhhhhhh....>__> not me...anymore n___n;

Haii Rikki

[insert Funny Joke Here]

Uhhhhhh....>__> not me...anymore n___n;

Haii Rikki

[insert Funny Joke Here]

lol. xDD Well, another "FTW" meaning is "Fuck the wife"

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