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I Shoot Arrows

I love you.

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Everyone, I can't help it anymore, Zack Fair/Nitemare92 has confessed his hardcore love to me, and I couldn't reject it. He told me to tell everybody, that he is holding OUR precious baby in his you know what. Apparently, he had a Vagina, and a Penis as well. It was very difficult for me to do it with him. But we were able to manage it, and eventually have over 9 babies. The baby will be deliver in 9 months(estimating) Hopefully, they will all be alive, without any problems. I didn't want him to be my first, but he begged me so much, I had to give in. We are getting marry this Sunday, and hopefully will have a happy ending, I Love You Too Zack. And I will Forever.

P.S: I'm not the gay one, he is making me write this.


Holy hell.

Why would you tell everyone that this happened?! I THOUGHT THIS WAS A SECRET!!

Just kidding, and no homo.

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